yeah I think she comes back thurs. She was invited to go with a family friend's family then her Mom decided to go too. We talked to her Sunday night so I don't have any updates. I know that she bought a sweatshirt from the Rainforest Cafe. I really don't get that since we have those around here- but oh well.
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
Yeah you'd think she'd of wanted one from The NY NY Casino, or from the NASCAR cafe or something like that.. ?? Oh well, you know how teenagers know everything?? !!
She is staying at NY NY on the 18th floor. She gets to stare right at the coaster! Before they got there her friend said that they were going to have to ride a coaster. We showed her our video of Vegas but I don't think she grasped how big or tall things were then. now that she can see the coaster she is turning into a chicken! My husband told her well if you get to choose then you better pick NY over the Stratosphere coaster!! LOL! She could always pick the Nascar one too but she was freaking out just watching that one on video!
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
I rode the NASCAR Cafe coaster, and I did the one at NY NY, I did the "Big Shot" on top of the STratosphere, but I just couldn't bring myself to ride the one on the edge of the Stratosphere, I chickened out on that one...I was shaking so badly when I got off from the BIG SHOT there was no way I was riding the Coaster next.....
I don't do coasters! I am terrified of heights! I was determined to go up the Eiffel Tower and I did. I had to hide my face in my husband's chest until we got up due to the glass elevator though!! And some how he convinced my to go out on the observation deck of the Stratosphere. I was shaking so bad! The wind was so strong and you could fell all the movement from the rides. We got our picture taken up there and about lost our camera. When the couple that took the picture gave it back we missed it and dropped it. I had visions of it going off the edge with all our wedding pictures and such! But we didn't lose the camera but it did mess up the film from that point on.
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
the pictures we took after he camera hit the cement were all dark. I think with editing programs we were able to brighten them up. I'll have to see what Vegas pics we have.
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"