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Post Info TOPIC: Ban Guns

Grand Poobah


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Ban Guns

It is my opinion that all guns in the hands of the general public be immediately made illegal, and be confiscated. This is absurd,  guns  and shootings shootings, shootings. We have proven that we as a society simply cannot have guns. Ban them all, burn them all.

Bow hunt. there's more skill and integrity there anyhow.

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

King of the Ring

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I live in a country that has no legal guns and it is fantastic, I would not have it any other way, don't get me wrong we still have shootings via illegal guns but I can't imagine how many more there would be if they were legal.


Grand Poobah


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I have often admired England for that Ultimo.

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

King of the Ring

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JD The Jazz Doctor wrote:

I have often admired England for that Ultimo.

Hey this place has more than it's far share of crime but I would hate to think if I was walking down the street and annoyed someone they could pull a gun on me, that would terrify me, to be honest. So I am so glad we don't have legal guns here.


Grand Poobah


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I would be terrified too. I can't imagine....hmm

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09


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I'm all for banning idiots! This may prove to be a perfect example of why certain genetics should not be passed on.

All I wanted was a Pepsi, and SHE wouldn't Give it to me.

The Chosen Woo

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i wish this could be solved with something so simple

"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"

Lord of Linguists

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one of Hitlers first orders was to sieze all privately owned guns.



            FREE WILLY !!!  headbang.gif

Lord of Linguists

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I am not in favor of any shootings, but to take away a right so many have died for is absurd


            FREE WILLY !!!  headbang.gif

80's Rock Chick

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willy_smith34 wrote:

I am not in favor of any shootings, but to take away a right so many have died for is absurd

Who are you referring to?

"Tell me, does it move you, Does it soothe you, Does it fill your heart and soul with the roots of rock & roll?
When you can't get through it you can listen to it with a 'na na na na', Well I've been there before"
-"Been There Before" by Hanson

Ghost In The Machine

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Sorry guys, but I'm with Willy on this one.  I've been around guns my entire life, grew up with all the men and some of the women in my family being active hunters, and I own a few guns of my own that I use for target practice and/or home defense purposes.  While I don't condone idiots shooting other people, I also don't/won't condone the loss of my right to keep and bear arms.   Even if all guns were banned, the criminal minded would still be able to get any kind of gun they wanted whenever they wanted to get it.  A perfect of example of this is "America's war on drugs".......the dope still flows through this country like water and it's available on almost any street corner.  A ban on guns wouldn't be any different.....all it would do is take guns away from the law abiding citizens....the black market would still be there, flourishing.....the people that are criminals or who get these notions of shooting up places and people would still be able to get their hands on a gun.  

And like Willy says, the first thing Hitler did was seize all personal weapons.  I don't know about the rest of you, but I sure as hell don't trust our government enough to give them this kind of power! 


Grand Poobah


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willy_smith34 wrote:

one of Hitlers first orders was to sieze all privately owned guns.


Suppose we were to take a national poll- "Should private ownership and use of guns be banned?"

What percent of those who would vote yes would you think would also say they support Hiter?

What percent of those who would vote yes do you think would say they believe in peace and the teachings of Jesus and/or Buddha?

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09


  A couple of years ago Australia banned ALL firearms , they went door to door and confiscated all the registered ones . 
  Care to guess what the results were /are? 
  If you guessed that violent crime against law abiding citizens who had NO way to defend themselves  took off like a space shuttle than you would  be ....CORRECT.

 There is only ONE practical solution -  Anyone caught in the possesion of an unlicensed /unregestered firearm , or anyone using a firearm during a crime is to be executed by hanging  on national television within 24 hours . No exceptions.  No excuses.  Anyone with said person is to get life without parole.
 Start it on a Monday and I guarantee you that by Thursday afternoon the problem will no longer exist.



80's Rock Chick

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ghostdancer wrote:

Sorry guys, but I'm with Willy on this one.  I've been around guns my entire life, grew up with all the men and some of the women in my family being active hunters,

I'm sorry for you. I grew up around music and loving people who didn't like to kill innocent animals.

"Tell me, does it move you, Does it soothe you, Does it fill your heart and soul with the roots of rock & roll?
When you can't get through it you can listen to it with a 'na na na na', Well I've been there before"
-"Been There Before" by Hanson

Ghost In The Machine

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LS, I too grew up around music and loving people.  It's just that my family and your's differ on hunting views and I'm perfectly fine with that.  I myself have never hunted, it's something I don't care to do....but I also don't look down on those who do....I feel it's an individual's choice whether to hunt or not.  Please don't feel sorry for me LS........I think I turned out pretty darn good!!    


80's Rock Chick

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ghostdancer wrote:

LS, I too grew up around music and loving people.  It's just that my family and your's differ on hunting views and I'm perfectly fine with that.  I myself have never hunted, it's something I don't care to do....but I also don't look down on those who do....I feel it's an individual's choice whether to hunt or not.  Please don't feel sorry for me LS........I think I turned out pretty darn good!!    

Well, I still feel sorry for the individual animals who don't have a choice...

"Tell me, does it move you, Does it soothe you, Does it fill your heart and soul with the roots of rock & roll?
When you can't get through it you can listen to it with a 'na na na na', Well I've been there before"
-"Been There Before" by Hanson

Ghost In The Machine

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Posts: 9401

That's true, LS, they don't.  But let me also clarify something a little more for you.  Every animal that someone in my family shot was animal was never shot just because it was a "trophy" animal. My family was not one of those so-called "trophy" hunters who go out and shoot animals only for their hides, antlers, or because it was the biggest animal around while leaving the meat behind in the woods.  My dad taught each of us to have respect for animals, which I know is hard for a person from a non-hunting family to grasp.  My brothers were taught to shoot to kill, not wound, so the animal suffered as little as possible in the process.  And again, I repeat, every animal taken was eaten, not left in the woods to rot or the meat thrown away in the garbage.   So I grew up eating a lot of wild game, animals if you prefer, and I actually like most of it too.  

I could get picky here and ask if you or your family eat beef, chicken, pork, turkey, fish, seafood, eggs, or lamb because none of those animals have a choice either.  



80's Rock Chick

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Posts: 8789

ghostdancer wrote:

That's true, LS, they don't.  But let me also clarify something a little more for you.  Every animal that someone in my family shot was animal was never shot just because it was a "trophy" animal. My family was not one of those so-called "trophy" hunters who go out and shoot animals only for their hides, antlers, or because it was the biggest animal around while leaving the meat behind in the woods.  My dad taught each of us to have respect for animals, which I know is hard for a person from a non-hunting family to grasp.  My brothers were taught to shoot to kill, not wound, so the animal suffered as little as possible in the process.  And again, I repeat, every animal taken was eaten, not left in the woods to rot or the meat thrown away in the garbage.   So I grew up eating a lot of wild game, animals if you prefer, and I actually like most of it too.  

I could get picky here and ask if you or your family eat beef, chicken, pork, turkey, fish, seafood, eggs, or lamb because none of those animals have a choice either.  


Glad to hear you don't have heads sticking out of your walls bleh.gif.

No, none of those animals have a choice either, and actually factory farming is waaaaaaay worse than what hunted wild animals go through (but another time, another thread for that....). It just would freak me out a little knowing that someone I cared for actually enjoyed killing and watching someone (some"thing" to a lot of people, but to me they're some"one") die by their hands (or in this case, I guess it'd be more appropriate to say trigger finger... confused.gif)

"Tell me, does it move you, Does it soothe you, Does it fill your heart and soul with the roots of rock & roll?
When you can't get through it you can listen to it with a 'na na na na', Well I've been there before"
-"Been There Before" by Hanson

Cat Scratch Diva


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Posts: 10068

This is an issue that will never be agreed on. It has alot to do with how and where people grow up. Any one that has lived in a poor family in a rural area knows that you have to hunt to eat. Its a fact of life. I wish it were a perfect world that we could all eat and survive without something having to die. There is no need to attack each other over something like this. Cant we just all get along?? smile.gif


Grand Poobah


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Posts: 36897

I guess my whole point was, and of course its idealistic, is that the unfathomable carnage that happened today wouldn't have if maniacs didn't have access to weapons.

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

Cat Scratch Diva


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Posts: 10068

I understand the idea of it..but you have to look at the big picture...its not the hunters and people looking to protect themselves that need them taken away. Bad guys kill people with whatever means they have to them be it a gun, knife, fire or their hands. I would love to see handguns and semi-automatic weapons be banned or highly controlled. I think anyone that needs to hunt or protect themselves should have a gun big enough to see it coming...not hidden.


80's Rock Chick

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Posts: 8789

allycat wrote:

This is an issue that will never be agreed on. It has alot to do with how and where people grow up. Any one that has lived in a poor family in a rural area knows that you have to hunt to eat. Its a fact of life. I wish it were a perfect world that we could all eat and survive without something having to die. There is no need to attack each other over something like this. Cant we just all get along?? smile.gif


P.S. - I don't think we were attacking - I think we were having a civilized discussion. But this is my first foray into a political discussion here - I've always stayed out of it in the past. Back into my musical hole, then....

"Tell me, does it move you, Does it soothe you, Does it fill your heart and soul with the roots of rock & roll?
When you can't get through it you can listen to it with a 'na na na na', Well I've been there before"
-"Been There Before" by Hanson

2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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You're right.  The hunting thing is something no one will ever agree on.

Personally, I think the animals are here for food.  That's my belief.  Having said that, I have no problem with hunting for food.

Hunting for sport makes me downright sick.  Killing anything for what amounts to a trophy is just not right.  (again, in my opinion)

Furthermore, I can agree with LS that farming is often even worse.  The way they kill the animals, and what they put them through before death is often horrifying.

On the gun issue.  I used to be anti-gun, but over the years I've changed my mind.

They had a judge on the news today talking about an ironic situation in Virginia.  That state has one of the easiest gun laws in the country.  You can carry concealed weapons almost anywhere if you have a permit, except on school grounds.  It's the safest place for a moron to go on a shooting spree, there's no one there to stop him.

I think banning guns just means the good people among us will have no ability to defend themselves.  THIS GUY, this killer, would have gotten his guns and he wouldn't have worried about applying for a permit.

However, where a gun ban DOES come into play is the crimes of passion and such.  Where a persons emotions creates their actions, often actions they would not normally take.  (A boyfriend catching his girlfriend cheating on him, etc.)

So, I don't know what the answer is on this one either hmm


Cleverly Disguised As A Responsible Adult

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It's been very interesting to follow this thread and see everyone's views. The simple truth is that we can't know what effect a ban would have, positive or negative. It's purely speculation. Would a ban really have stopped the incident todya? Maybe, but maybe not. Should people be able to protect themselves with guns? I can't say I have a solid opinion on this, as guns have been both a saving grace and a grievous error in different situations. A gun, like any weapon, can be the means to save you from harm...but your personal weapon can also be turned against you. There's no clear answer for this, though I wish there were.

The root of the problem is not just guns. It is the culture and systems of regulation we have established in our country. I see no folly in using guns for hunting for food. I have mixed feelings about other uses. But all in all, we live in a society that falls short in regulation and education regarding guns. And, we have many entertainments and social perceptions that contribute negatively to using guns for aggression and domination. I know there isn't a quick fix or even a known fix for these issues, but I believe they are at the foundation of gun control issues.

-- Heather: "I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"

2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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The discussion winds up going so many places G-Gal.

Already on the news they've attacked video games. Apparantly one of the other recent school shootings they found the shooter had nearly 50 shooting video games he was obsessed with. But so what? Do we stop 99.9% of decent people from playing a game because 0.1% is too mentally unbalanced to handle it?

They've talked about our culture and our music. Rap music taking center stage as a bad influence. I hate rap music, but I'm not willing to lay all violence on it.

Too much killing on TV & Movies? Too graphic. Probably. Again, what do we do about it? Only show Disney programming?

I think the bottom line is as long as there are people that want to kill people they'll find a way to do it.

Even in times like this we have to keep it in perspective. As horrible as this even was, the vast, VAST majority of students can go to school tomorrow and not worry about being attacked.

This was not a good Monday hmm.gif


Cleverly Disguised As A Responsible Adult

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I think we are somewhat in agreement here, Riggs. Sure, it is not uncommon that those who commit acts of violence statistically have an elevated interest in emtertainment mediums that reflect similar violent acts to the crimes they commit. But I don't believe that we can blame games, movies, or music entirely. I think these things can influence behavior, but I also think that they are easily as often a reflection of the pre-existing behavioral characteristics of the individual. There's too little solid evidence to say whether the entertainments act as the source of influence or the expresssion of the existing persona. I guess, to be clear, my issue is in the glamourization without education that exists today. We create these entertainments without accounting for the full responsibility to educate on the reality of it (and this is a generalization that does not apply to all, but certainly to many within our society).

-- Heather: "I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"

Ghost In The Machine

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Posts: 9401

Lady Strange wrote:

allycat wrote:

This is an issue that will never be agreed on. It has alot to do with how and where people grow up. Any one that has lived in a poor family in a rural area knows that you have to hunt to eat. Its a fact of life. I wish it were a perfect world that we could all eat and survive without something having to die. There is no need to attack each other over something like this. Cant we just all get along?? smile.gif


P.S. - I don't think we were attacking - I think we were having a civilized discussion. But this is my first foray into a political discussion here - I've always stayed out of it in the past. Back into my musical hole, then....

I too thought we were having a civilized discussion LS.  I didn't feel that I was being attacked and I'm glad to read that you didn't feel you were either.  I really hope that you will join in any further political topics that come up.  You brought up excellent points and expressed your feelings clearly.  Everyone is entitled to his/her own opinion on all matters.....and I believe that is what makes life so truly interesting!!!!  I, for one, would be bored out of my mind if we all shared the same thoughts, feelings, and opinions.  There's a lot of "gray area" in life....and contributing our own 2 cents helps others see things they may not have thought of or noticed before.....nothing is ever cut and dried, black or white.  Please don't climb back into the musical hole!!!! 


2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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garougal wrote:

I think we are somewhat in agreement here, Riggs. 

 You better take that back G-Gal!  I HAVE A REPUTATION TO PROTECT! wink


Permanent Vacation

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allycat wrote:

This is an issue that will never be agreed on. It has alot to do with how and where people grow up. Any one that has lived in a poor family in a rural area knows that you have to hunt to eat. Its a fact of life. I wish it were a perfect world that we could all eat and survive without something having to die. There is no need to attack each other over something like this. Cant we just all get along?? smile.gif

 I agree with Ally.  Hunted meat got my family through many winters.  Granted, half of it was obtained by bow and arrow, but we wouldn't have survived on that alone.




The Chosen Woo

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I too don't usually get into these kind of debates and that is why I said very little earlier. What I was saying was that I wish there was a simple solution but it took many years to get where we are today. Guns have been around for a long time. But it hasn't always been like this. The society has changed. I don't believe banning guns is the answer. Then the only person that would have them is the BAD GUY. And even if we successfully did ban guns, look how many people know how to make homemade pipe bombs and such. I think we need better punishment. Quit making it so dang easy to get away with crap!

Also most of the time you are not gonna have any idea when something like this is gonna happen. Some people just snap. When my husband's grandma was shot to death we never would have imagined that it was my husband's cousin! We were sure that his friend that was with him was the one to pull the trigger. But in court it all came out and the other guy was more remorseful.

I don't like the idea of our kids having to go to school in a prison but I would much rather they be protected! People need to wake up! Quit saying that nothing has happened yet so we don't need to change anything! Look around! It can happen to anyone, even the peaceful Amish!

"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
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