Well, another week and another chance to compare notes with the other Idol watchers here at FFR.
I have to say this week I follow right along with the judges for the most part.
I though Phil opened the show great and is definately best suited for Country music. I'm hoping that for ONCE he'll get out of the bottom three, but he probably won't.
Sanjaya, what can I say. I was thrilled that Simon finally really let loose on this kid. He's playing the audience at this point and has no business being there. I think it's going to become very difficult for him to avoid the bottom three anymore, because the remaining talent is pretty good.
Chris Richardson. Not very good at all and REALLY didn't like the attitude he flashed at Simon. Shut up already. The judges are there to.. um... JUDGE! Take their advice or don't, but getting lippy just makes you look like your full of yourself. I think he falls a notch or two after this.
Lakisha. Worst performace of the night (Sanjaya was worse, but I can't call anything he does a performance anymore).
Blake. My favorite to win the whole thing, but this was NOT a good week for him. He's got a lot of talent, I don't think country music is his style AT ALL though.
Jordin was awesome. She nailed "A Broken Wing" which I think had to be the hardest song to sing of all the contestants this week. I NEVER expected to like her performance because I love Martina McBride and usually you can't cover a song from one of my favorite artists and get a compliment from me :)
Melinda. I guess this is the one place I veer off from the judges. I think she really can't do country, and thought this was one of her weakest performances to date.
My bottom three...
Sanjaya (I think he's FINALLY in real danger, but will probably skate by another week or two)
Phil (He just can't break out from the bottom three because he never developed a fan base and at this point I think it's too late for him to fix the situation. I've never seen someone be a fixture in the bottom three so many weeks in a row)
Lakisha (this is my toughest pick, I think it's either her or Chris. Basing it on this performance as well as past performance, I had to go with Lakisha).
My pick to go. I hope for Sanjaya, but I fear it will be Phil.
I'm not too impressed with Blake . . . he could go and I wouldn't be disappointed.
I agree that Melinda didn't do as well as usual, but I still feel that she is the best singer of the bunch. I'm not sure that her style is "American Idol" though.
What I did think was really cool was that a couple years ago, Carrie Underwood was up there fighting to win. Tonight another contestent was singing one of her recent hits. I bet two years ago, she never would have guessed that tonight someone would be singing one of her hits.
Dear Lord Sanjaya needs to go!!!! He looks ridiculous and he plain butchered that song!! I believe the judges were dead on last night. My husband was applauding Simon and saying things ok we are 3 for 3 tonight Simon. I don't think Lakisha was horrible but she definitely didn't really shine. I am from the Flint area but don't think that I am rooting for her. I'm not sure she is really made out for this. I believe that she could have a gospel career though.
Chris was bad, but I don't like how full of himself he is anyway. I love Rascal Flatts and at times I couldn't even tell it was one of their songs!! I think the band really was messing him up.
I really enjoyed Phil and Melinda's performances last night.
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
Yeah, for all the crap Simon takes from the audience, he's usually the one who's dead-on.
I'm surprised at how lame he is when he get's into a verbal battle with Ryan though. He never really has any good comebacks or shots, just sort of stammers something stupid out.
Speaking of which, I was surprised how Ryan defended Sanjaya last night. I know he's really taken to defending all the contestents the last season or so, but he's got to realize Sanjaya is a horrible singer doesn't he?
Well they've been acused of exactly that in the press Web, but that's what makes it even more annoying to me.
Atleast make the verbal jarring interesting if it's pre-planned! They just both sound like gradeschoolers.
Afterward though, it looked to me like Simon was pouting for a good five minutes.
They came back from commercial and Ryan was standing behind Paula and Randy to bring the show back in, and Simon just sat there looking off to the side with his lips kind of pursed and an annoyed look on his face.
(Probably just angry at himself for being so lame earlier )
As much as I hate Sanjaya, he's the best thing to happen to the show in a while as he generates press every week for the show. There is never this kind of coverage all over the news until they usually hit the final 3 or 4, so they'll keep him around for a while.
I also heard yesterday that one of the Exec Producers said there is absolutley NO WAY that Sanjaya will win American Idol. If you freeze your screen there is some fine print at the end of most of the show that says something about "The Producers may....." change the outcome if they want. I seem to remember that this was an issue a few years ago, maybe season 2.
As for last nite....
I liked Phil, Melinda and Jordin. Thought all sounded and looked the part.
LaKisha looked a bit out of place, but thought she did OK, nothing special, but she was OK
Blake...I didn't get him last nite at all.
Chris....just don't understand what the judges and fans see in him...Don't like his voice much and he's become and ass.
Sanjaya...maybe his worst performace of the season, and thats saying a lot! Next week (if he survives) he should just come out and say "I'm not singing this crap this week...my fans will vote me thru, so Simon get up here and sing for us....." This would be the best FU to the judges he could do....
I think it's gonna be Sanjaya (if people are real), Phil and LaKisha in the bottom three although I think Phil doesn't belong and Chris does!