The clown is packing his bags and all that's left are serious contestants!
Great show tonight! I'm really struck by how big Idol has gotten this year. It's like all at once in the industry (Film, Television and Music) have taken notice and realized this is the place to push all their projects.
Week after week they've got huge stars pushing CD's, or Movies. It's really getting fun.
But the best part of all was seeing Sanjaya say goodbye. I think there's a good chance we'll never hear from him again, unless he turns up on a Nickelodeon show!
I actually noticed that he started to cry before it was time. I think before they showed the Shrek section. He was wiping his eyes. I think he knew his run was over.
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
I don't vote but I watch, so I am familiar with what's happening. But one thing that has never made any sense to me about this show, is it seems that the voting audience, only votes on the show that just aired. Hence the reason Lakisha was in the bottom 3, I would think that they would vote based on the over all week after week's performance.
It's not fair to vote based on putting a large black woman on stage and expect her to sing a "country" song..... But considering how well she does all the other times, I thought people would still vote for her..... whatever.