Has anyone ever had any experience with the Play Station Portable? If so, what are your thoughts on it?
Every year around this time I get a major itch to buy a video game system, but I only like two games, the Baseball and the Football.
So in the past ten years I've bought four consoles (the most recent was the XBox) only to tire of them and sell them.
I refuse to buy anymore, but the PSP seems like a good alternative. The player is only $169 (And I have a way to get $100 off of THAT price), and the games are cheaper.
Plus the player can play movies, watch TV, play videos, music files and view photos, so it seems like it might be a good choice.
Besides all that it's portable, so when I'm stuck someplace I don't wanna be I could get a quick game of Madden Football in.
I've never owned one but I've used one. I like it well enough for a small system, and I liked the fact it can play movies. That was great when I was waiting in an airport.
-- Heather: "I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"
yeah, the movie and TV thing is really intersting. Apparantly it has a TiVo service on which you can watch anything on TV if you're in a WiFi area.
When I've bought systems in the past I play a lot for a few weeks, then get bored with it, so it just sits there and collects dust. I've never been into the shooting games or the role playing games, etc. But every time football or baseball season starts I get that urge to "manage" a game
Since this has so many other uses, I'm thinking it's the way to go.