I'm starting to fear these Finnish losers are just trying to hang in there close until the last day or two and then they're gonna go nuts with the voting
I'm suspicious that this voting thing isn't working right. Earlier, I just went to my bookmark to the voting page, made sure it said Freeze Frame, then clicked on vote. I didn't really pay attention to exactly what the first number was, but I do take a look at the last number to make sure it goes up by one, and I'm sure more than just the last number changed. But I wasn't paying enough attention to say what changed exactly, and whether it was up or down.
Sometimes the page doesn't update (the one with the top 10), but trust me the votes are there I've checked a few ways.....
We did it last month......we can do it this month too! We really need to send a My Space bulletin to everyone that is a friend of the FFR My Space page and to put something on the front page of the regular FFR page.
My Rocking Profile offers the star that is an automatic link...that would be perfect. JR I'm sure you could add the star to the FFR page and JD could probably figure out a way to get the star into a message (if not some one can!)