I personally wouldn't agree with that type of sensorship as it has the same meaning.... how can u be for sensorship(a form of control) and against the riaa??( another form of control)???
I'm very sensitive to others ..... you simply asked me not to do something that seemed more like sensorship, and backed it up by saying that it's ok to mean the same thing with another word..... like editing for TV..... sensorship.
You did not ask me to change my meaning....
you did not tell me how the word shyt has personal painfull meaning to you.
like I said nothing personal, I just believe in freedom of speech, even speech I don't agree with.
Looks like they are gonna put up a fight! As long as we ALL keep voting, we'll do OK.....if there are just 10 of us voting every hour and we each vote for 8-9 hours, we'll move up in the ranking every day! At the end of the month, we'll get our top ten star and then we can go for # 1 next month!