I'm in need of some ideas/suggestions for a graduation gift for my daughter's upcoming graduation from high school, and I'd appreciate some input from you guys. I know cash is always appreciated but I don't want to go that route for a couple of reasons.......we're about to spend a small fortune paying for her first year at college, we've just paid for the first year of her car insurance, we're paying to send her on a class trip to Chicago, and we're giving her a graduation party. Truth be told, I'm getting tapped out in the cash department.
I'll tell you a little bit about her.......she's going into Graphic Design and Photography once she starts college. She's very artistic....loves drawing, sketching, working with pastels, and she's mentioned some type of colored pencils her Art teacher has in class that she'd really like to have.....I don't know the name of them but she said they cost approximately $3.00 a pencil.....anyone know what kind these are? She said they're not your every-day type of colored pencils.
She doesn't wear a lot of jewelry.....she has double piercings in her ears but isn't into diamond studs.....she likes "funky" kind of jewelry more than gold or silver. She tends to lean toward the goth look, and she likes things that are unique.
She already has a digital camera and Adobe Creative Suite software....she got both for Christmas. Oh, she'll also be living here at home while attending college so she won't need things for a dorm.
I'm at a loss as to what to get her for a gift. Any ideas anyone??
She wants Prismacolor pencils. And if you get them for her, she WILL use them, especially if she's studying graphic design in college. They also have Prismacolor pens and markers. If you get any of those for her, I will be very jealous! Another thing she'll use a lot of are sketchbooks (she'll need big ones for class, but maybe a smaller one to carry around with her). You can never have too many sketchbooks. Or, keeping with that theme, maybe a nice leather portfolio.
If you have an art shop (not a big chain like Hobby Lobby or Michaels), you can always go in and ask them. They'll fill your cart up real quick!
prismacolor pencils are the best! they can be purchased from as small as twelve set or 132 set. i think i gave my daughter the 72 set for her graduation. and for her birthday i gave her the 36 set watercolor pencils.
camera accessories, maybe...
You should fear anything that can bleed for seven days without dying... (as told to Mr. DS on 3-12-10)