Since people make jello with booze, I guess this shouldn't surprise me.
But I was making some jello yesterday and saw on the back of the box they recommend for a "twist" using a soda to replace the cold water. I was skeptical, but poured in almost two cans of my diet squirt to go with the cherry jello I had mixed up and I'm having my first bowl now.
It's REALLY good! A lot better than just normal jello.
Now I'm thinking I gotta try some creme soda with different flavors!
i've done this with club soda. it was supposed to look sparkly or bubbly, but i must have done something wrong cos the end result looked nothing like the picture...
how sad... i screwed up jello!
You should fear anything that can bleed for seven days without dying... (as told to Mr. DS on 3-12-10)
Ouch! Screwing up jello, that's pretty bad. I've never been able to get peices of fruit to float in my jello. when I put fruit in it all just falls to the bottom :(
Web, it REALLY is good! It's kind of weird, obviously the carbonation is gone, yet it's got a bit of a fizzy tang to it.
I think cream soda would taste GREAT. But I don't know if there's a diet cream available.
I'm sure it is good, but I haven't tried it. Pretty much if I am messin' w/jello then alcohol is going in!
Well, I'll tell ya what. I've never had Jello shots, but during the next cookout I'm makin' some.
I'll buy some cinnamin schnapps. I had this stuff a few years ago called fire-water, with goofy crystals in it. Man that stuff burned! I bet it would be great in some jello.
Wow, I'll have to try adding some soda to jello next time I make some.....never thought of doing that. I usually just add fruit or like Woo, some alcohol goes in. get your fruit to float in it, you have to let the jello "set up" a little bit....which means letting it thicken somewhat before you add the fruit.