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2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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A possible (if not temporary) ray of hope is shining through!

Here's the letter Live365 sent broadcasters today...


On March 21st, I wrote you regarding the initial ruling by the Copyright Royalty Board (CRB) announcing catastrophically high new royalty rates as well as a $500/year minimum per station. Despite the outcry of nearly all webcasters, the CRB denied the request for a rehearing and has proceeded with their original ruling.

In response to these new and unfair fees, Representative Jay Inslee (D-WA) introduced
the Internet Radio Equality Act (HR 2060) on April 26th. This bill will provide immediate relief from the proposed new rates and can save thousands of Internet radio stations from going off the air.

Live365 and the other members of the SaveNetRadio Coalition fully support this proposal and are working diligently to see it turned into law. The next step is to line up cosponsors for HR 2060, but time is running short.

We ask that you IMMEDIATELY:

CALL your Representative and ask them to cosponsor HR 2060 -- the Internet Radio Equality Act. Click here to find your Representative's number.

NOTIFY -- YOUR LISTENERS, ARTISTS, and FRIENDS -- and have them call THEIR Representatives with the same request to cosponsor HR 2060.

We thank you again for all of the great support so far. Let's keep the momentum building into a crescendo that everyone can hear.


Jason Stoddard
Director, Broadcasting

PS. It looks like Live365 will be observing the "Day of Silence" on May 8th. More information to come...


Cat Scratch Diva


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Posts: 10068

I just sent another email to my congresswoman...she (or one of her people) actually sent me a letter that wasnt a form letter. I figured she was the one to try again with...the other AZZHOLE sent me a form letter. no.gif and other one hasnt replied at all.


Cat Scratch Diva


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Posts: 10068

this link shows the current sponsors are yours in there? TRY AGAIN IF NOT!!!!!


2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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Posts: 29950

Yeah, good ol' Herbie Kohl, WHO I ACTUALLY WORKED FOR AND STILL GET CHRISTMAS CARDS FROM sent me an OUT OF DATE form letter!

I got it Thursday and it said the CRB was considering a motion for a rehearing!

Thanks for a two week old form letter Herbie! Your food stores sucked and I used to steal cookies from the bakery when you were up front counting your money you BASTAGE! angered.gif

-- Edited by Jeremy Riggs at 10:28, 2007-04-28


Cat Scratch Diva


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Posts: 10068

laughing.gif please tell me you didnt send a message to him saying the? The bastage will never sponsor something you love now no.gif


2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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Posts: 29950

Nah smile.gif

I said "Gosh Mr. Kohl. Working with you was the bestest days of my life. All I got now is this little hobby of a radio station. Please don't let them take it away from me tears.gif

I'm appealing to his softer side.


Cat Scratch Diva


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Posts: 10068

lol....I can see you doing that...and when he doesnt do what you are asking him to do....THEN telling him you stole cookies. biggrin.gif


2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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Posts: 29950

Simple policy. lead with a hand extended for a handshake, but keep the other hand behind ya with a sledgehammer in it biggrin.gif


Cat Scratch Diva


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80's Rock Chick

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Posts: 8789

Well, here is a letter that a fan posted on my husband's favorite Internet station. I think this is very promising! :

I sent emails to both senators from Calif, and my district Rep. Susan B. Davis. Today I received an email from Susan Davis that said she too feels the playing field is not being leveled fairly for internet radio and feels that the new rates are going to seriously hurt a viable alternative to traditional radio. Here is quote from her response:

"Rest assured that the CRBs recent actions have drawn attention from
my colleagues and me. You will be happy to know that our Senator
Dianne Feinstein recently introduced S. 256 to level the playing field for
royalty rates between Internet and traditional radio. I will monitor
this and other legislation closely as the legislative process moves

It appears that capital hill has been listening to their constituents but we al still must spread the word to friends and family (even if they dont listen to internet radio) and get their help as well.

"Tell me, does it move you, Does it soothe you, Does it fill your heart and soul with the roots of rock & roll?
When you can't get through it you can listen to it with a 'na na na na', Well I've been there before"
-"Been There Before" by Hanson

The Chosen Woo

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Posts: 21048

Did you see the latest response to the proposed bill? These people really tick me off! furious

SoundExchange tries PR tack
Friday morning
, in response to the announced introduction of the Internet Radio Equality Act (see RAIN here), SoundExchange issued a press release (here, in .pdf format) claiming the bill would force artists to "write sxchecks to cover refunds to corporations whose CEOs and top executives are paid millions of dollars per year."

SoundExchange is the RIAA-created royalty collection agency whose webcast royalty proposals were accepted and used by the CRB for the Internet radio industry.

Executive director of SoundExchange, John Simson, and the collection agency's General Counsel, Mike Huppe, offer several colorful yet easily-refutable quotes in the press release. Here are a few quotes, and our responses:
SoundExchange press release Webcasters' counterpoint
. .
"Artists would have to write checks to cover refunds to corporations whose CEOs and top executives are paid millions of dollars per year." This is ludicrous! No one has suggested that checks already written to musicians would have to be recalled. (Furthermore, come on! There are a lot more highly-paid CEOs and top executives and superstar musicians in the music industry, on the SoundExchange side, than there are in the world of Internet radio.)
. .
"The bill would also result in a windfall of more than $50 million to mega-corporate webcasters like Clear Channel and Microsoft..."

No $50 million windfall exists; it's imaginary. It's money that SoundExchange hopes to see but never will, since, If the CRB royalty rate decision stands, most webcasters will most likely pull their streams down.

Microsoft, incidentally, is no longer a webcaster at all; they now offer a white-label version of Pandora, a service that would be bankrupted by the CRB decision.

. .
"This bill, introduced by Representatives Jay Inslee (D-WA) and Donald Mazullo (R-IL), would arbitrarily reverse the painstaking work of the CRB, the three-judge panel created at the request of the webcasters three years ago."

This is deceptively-worded. The only minor change that webcasters requested three years ago was to change from a three-arbitrator panel (indepdendent contractors to the Copyright Office) to a three-judge panel (salaried employees of the Copyright Office), under the theory that judges would be more experienced in copyright law.

Unfortunately, this was the three-judge panel's first case, so they were as equally inexperienced as one-time-only arbitrators would have been.

In any event, all of the "painstaking" work on both sides was based building a case for a flawed standard ("willing buyer / willing seller") which does not even pretend to balance the needs of copyright owners, copyright users, and the general public. And the language of that standard was created at the request of the RIAA when the DMCA was written in 1998.

. .
"The CRB panel listened exhaustively for 18 months to all interested parties, heard from dozens of witnesses in weeks of live hearings, read countless depositions and examined tens of thousands of pages of evidence focused on, among other things, the services ability to pay and the value of music in the marketplace. .It was a daunting and wildly-expensive process, yes. But the judges' decision was that based on their position that since Congress had set "willing buyer / willing seller" as the standard they were to use, the services' ability to pay was irrelvant.
. .
"The CRB... fulfilled the intent of Congress to issue appropriate market-based rates for webcasters." The experience with the CARP five years ago and the CRB now has taught us that the "willing buyer / willing seller" verbiage in the DMCA, which has lead to decisions based on dueling economists' hypotheses, has not lead the judges or arbitrators to an actual, real-world, sustainable market-based rate.
. .
"The proposed bill presents no factual or economic basis for rejecting the reasoned decision of the CRB."

Subcommittee hearings, not the language of the bill itself, are the proper venue for describing the economic basis behind the bill.

But the factual and economic basis has alrady been made clear in the press -- the fact that the royalty is currently the equivalent of 80% to 300% of revenues for most webcasters (i.e., once other expenses are taken into account, a bankruptcy rate), compared to the 0% royalty the broadcast radio pays and the 7.5% royalty that satellite radio pays).

. .
"This legislation, if passed, would come at the expense of hard-working artists, who, on average, received just $360 each in royalties from webcasting in 2006."

SoundExchange fails to mention the multi-million-dollar royalty checks they are trying to obtain for the big four record labels, using the cover of "hard-working artists" as their PR stance.

Furthermore, that $360 average is deceptive -- it's an average that includes both (A) largrer royalty checks to superstar artists and (B) checks that are probably more in the ballpark of $120/year to the artists that you and I would think of as "working musicians."

Those working musicans, as shown by the tens of thousands who've signed up for the SaveNetRadio Coalition, would rather have a thriving world of Internet radio airplay than the potential chance of a $10/month check.


"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"

2011 Super Bowl Champions!

Status: Offline
Posts: 29950

I LOVE that reverse logic!

If we don't take the $50 million from them, it's like they're getting a windfall.


Idiots! angered.gif


The Chosen Woo

Status: Offline
Posts: 21048


"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"

80's Rock Chick

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Posts: 8789

I spent all day yesterday in front of the computer.

1. I sent a brand new e-mail out to everyone I know.

2. I then sent notes to the Hanson girls who run the YahooGroups and such.  Don't know why I never thought of this before...  How it works is if you subscribe, every day you get a quote & picture in your inbox - it's a beautiful thing...  Anyhow, the girl who runs "Zac-Each-Day" included the information in with today's daily e-mail.  (There are 131 members of Zac-Each-Day, and I don't know that they would've heard about this any other way, so that's pretty cool!)  If any of you are signed up with any of these type of things, it may be a quick & easy way of spreading the word.

"Tell me, does it move you, Does it soothe you, Does it fill your heart and soul with the roots of rock & roll?
When you can't get through it you can listen to it with a 'na na na na', Well I've been there before"
-"Been There Before" by Hanson

2011 Super Bowl Champions!

Status: Offline
Posts: 29950

SWEET! Nice job LS!


80's Rock Chick

Status: Offline
Posts: 8789

I had posted about this on one of my favorite bands' forums a long time ago, and only one person got back to me, saying they did their part.  It was very disappointing. 

Well, since then I have heard a PSA by their lead singer on another station, urging listeners to do their part to save Internet radio.  So this morning when I re-posted with the updates, I made sure to preface it with "They (the band) are urging all of us to get involved," and that seemed to be the secret ingredient to rally the troops, because I'm already getting feedback!

"Tell me, does it move you, Does it soothe you, Does it fill your heart and soul with the roots of rock & roll?
When you can't get through it you can listen to it with a 'na na na na', Well I've been there before"
-"Been There Before" by Hanson


 I got a letter .



 I got a letter .



Go to fullsize image
 sorry , I don't do letters.


Ghost In The Machine

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Posts: 9401

I've been doing my fair share JR......posting blogs and bulletins on myspace, getting more people involved over on my msn page, and telling everybody I can think of about this.......people see my RIAA pic and send me emails asking to know more about what's going on and what they can do to the word is spreading out there.  All we can do is hope that Congress comes to their senses and will realize how many ticked off constituents they'll have in their districts if they don't address this issue.


80's Rock Chick

Status: Offline
Posts: 8789

ghostdancer wrote:

I've been doing my fair share JR......posting blogs and bulletins on myspace, getting more people involved over on my msn page, and telling everybody I can think of about this.......people see my RIAA pic and send me emails asking to know more about what's going on and what they can do to the word is spreading out there.  All we can do is hope that Congress comes to their senses and will realize how many ticked off constituents they'll have in their districts if they don't address this issue.

Great job, Ghostdancer!

"Tell me, does it move you, Does it soothe you, Does it fill your heart and soul with the roots of rock & roll?
When you can't get through it you can listen to it with a 'na na na na', Well I've been there before"
-"Been There Before" by Hanson
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