Unlike Johnny Damon, who once vowed he never would play for the Yankees, David Ortiz said he would not rule out playing for the Red Sox' rivals in the future. In an interview in the current issue of Time, Ortiz responded to a reader's question about playing for the Yankees by saying: "I would never say no because you never know what can happen with your career. You can never fall in love with a team."
Steinbrenner will try to get him too, no doubt. But Big Papi won't leave... I think that the Red Sox organization will pay $$ top dollar to keep him here....
Yeah, it's really just about making sure that all parties involved believe he's WILLING to leave, so the bidding war goes as high as it can.
This is why I never blame anyone for being a "fair weather" fan anymore. It's not like when I was growing up and for the most part players stayed with the teams that drafted em unless they were traded. These guys are rentals now.
Owners keep talking about how baseball is a business and I guess I buy into it now. So if your businesses product sucks, don't blame me for not buying it.
First let Big Papi win another Championship ring with the Red Sox and then let him decide what team he wants to go play for.
He will never want to go back to the National League, I really think he doesn't like playing the field... he's definately only Designated Hitter Material.