Summer concerts, babeee! There are a ton of shows coming up, so that's mostly what I'll be doing.
"Tell me, does it move you, Does it soothe you, Does it fill your heart and soul with the roots of rock & roll? When you can't get through it you can listen to it with a 'na na na na', Well I've been there before" -"Been There Before" by Hanson
I'm hoping to get back on the hard-core exercise routine.
For some reason I always seem to do well in summer, and then COMPLETELY lose it in fall & winter.
I think it's the cold weather. You can't go for walks and such outside, and something about getting all sweaty even when you're inside is just not as appealing when it's cold out.
The shorter days don't help either. Last fall I was getting home from work and it was already dark. When it's dark out my instinct is to grab a box of Chex cereal and sit my butt on the couch for a night of TV.
So this summer I hope to get back on it AND continue through the winter.
I have my daughter's graduation party planned for the end of June so until that's over with I'll be hanging around at home getting stuff done for it, but after that, I'll be going up to our cottage as often as possible to do some fishing, boating, and lounging at the lake. I have some work to do up there ....we're planning to stain the siding again this year.....that's always a lot of fun. And I'll probably go to Wheelzstock....don't know who will be there (they haven't announced the lineup yet) but I go every year to enjoy a day of rock n roll in the great outdoors!!! Also going to Ozzfest with my two girls in's free this year so that saves me some money.
JR, you should come down to Brown County to go camping. If I remember right, that's where Ray has his cabin too. It's absolutely beautiful.
That is correct. Well actually my mom and brother own it. I have "Sweat Equity" in the place. This picture is from the dock. I took it during the winter a couple of years ago. But you get the idea. Bring JD and the portable studio and do the show from Cordry Lake.
I think my answer resembles JD's. This past weekend was the only vacation we had planned and that all went to heck. So unless there is a surprise, I guess we are home.
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
I hadn't planned on traveling anywhere this summer, but I've decided that the kids and I will make our yearly summer trek to see my Ma in New Mexico. I better get in what time I can while she's still around. This time we will not be making any "fun" stops along the way as the budget is meager... I don't know if I will be able to stand the kids together for a week straight, but if I take one I have to take three...
You should fear anything that can bleed for seven days without dying... (as told to Mr. DS on 3-12-10)