I feel alright today so I will spill it. Everything was ok until Friday night. Then my husband's brother and wife came up. He is a manic depressive drug addict. He often doesn't take his real meds and even if he does it's always with the other drugs and alcohol. He came up in a bad mood and it changed the atmosphere in the whole house. To sum it up: he bragged to my hubby that he had sex with a 28 yr old, disrespected his parents in their own house, trashed my hubby and was just disruptive. Here we are trying to teach our own child about showing respect and they just let him go off never once trying to get him to leave. His wife tried to get him to go out to the 5th wheel with little luck. My husband decided that he was done and we were leaving. When we were gathering our stuff his parents basically tried to send my husband to his room. "It's better if you stay upstairs." not realizing that we were leaving. When we left I know that his brother was not in the house. I don't know if he was just wandering by the pond or if he had gone to the 5th wheel. My hubby did not give any goodbyes because he was more mad at his parents than his brother. Once we were on the road he told me that he was done with all of them and wanted nothing to do with them anymore. That he would arrange to get the stuff that we had stored there later on. I tried to argue about it later but he felt that they had hit a crossroads and they picked the son that they wanted to continue a relationship with. He will not talk to them, but when I pressured he said that he was gonna explain his side in an email. But he hasn't done that yet. He explained to the girl that this had nothing to do with her and she was welcome to continue to see her grandparents. He encouraged it but I doubt that she will. She will most likely use it as an excuse. We went up north so that my husband could relax since he was so stressed and he came back more stressed than when we left. I was very worried that he was gonna have a heart attack on me.
I am not upset that he made us leave in the middle of the night. It just hurts me that he has shut the door on his parents. I know how much this will hurt them. I am surprised that he would do this after all this family has been thru. But I have not been here for all the drama in regards to his brother so it is not my decision. But everything that I would have done over the weekend I no longer wanted to do. I had no interest in tv, computer, or making cards. My mother-in-law taught me how to do most of the card making and so I associate that with her. I just find all this so sad. And now I have to worry about his brother coming over to me house and making a scene or breaking in to trash it. He is that bad and i put nothing past him.
Sorry this was long. There was just no short way to tell it.
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
What a mess Woo! Sorry things went so horribly wrong!! I can understand your husband leaving though......in my opinion, he took the high road....better to leave in that situation than stay for more and have things escalate further.
I'm sorry it wasn't the type of weekend you had in mind. Maybe you and hubby could do something relaxing together this coming weekend.
gee, woo. sorry to hear that your weekend turned out badly. but it is better to leave a situation like that before it escalates into something really ugly. their parents probably know that if they'd told your brother-in-law to leave it would have turned ugly, so they asked your husband to step away for awhile as he seems to be the more rational of the two.
You should fear anything that can bleed for seven days without dying... (as told to Mr. DS on 3-12-10)
I'm assuming that my husbands decision must of came out of something that built over time. I am just hoping that he changes his mind. He is very upset that they always allow his brother to treat them this way. They have taught him that it is ok I guess.
Thanks for listening everyone
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
Sorry Woo! Did I read that correctly? The brother was bragging about the 28 year old in front of his own wife?????
no, i left out a part where my husband was taking him down to the water with his canoe. He bragged then (changed his mind about canoeing) and then continued to make references while in the house about how great "28" was.
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
Woo mental illness is hard to deal with, they just know he is their son and he really cant help it. Its not him...its his illness that treats them that way. No matter what he does, they forgive it