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Post Info TOPIC: Your new assignment: My prized possession

80's Rock Chick

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Your new assignment: My prized possession



Here's an assignment I think we'll have fun with.  Much like the backyard one.

I'd love to see a picture and description of one of your prized possessions.


Here's my first entry:



This is Melinda, my first teddybear.  As the story goes, when I was 4 years old, my mom and aunt were out shopping with me, and I saw her on the shelf and continued to wail "beeeeeaaar!" until my aunt decided it would be a good idea to buy her for me.  Smart lady.  Melinda went everywhere with me for many years, and now has that well-loved worn-in look.  smile.gif


Two of my clearest memories:  losing her while shopping in Caldor, and just freaking out.  My mom & I went back to where we had been before, but... no bear.  So we went to the information / lost & found counter, and asked if they'd found a bear.  The girl looked for a moment, then said yes!  I breathed a sigh of relief, and she pulled out...  a different teddybear! crying.gif   It was so traumatic!  My mom explained, no ours is wearing diapers with "MELINDA" written on the back of them.  (A handkerchief folded nicely into a diaper biggrin.gif  What the hey?  It was the closest my mom could get to getting me to like dolls and other maternal things.)  Anyway, someone then appeared with my bear, and I was thrilled, but it taught me a lesson to always keep better track of her while out in public.  I felt like I developed an ulcer that afternoon.


Another is: I had been playing with her in my yard, and when I went back outside to bring her in, she wasn't on the log where I'd left her.  Everyone joined in the search.  Turned out our neighbor's beagle, Margo, had taken her away to "play" with her.  Margo used to eat everything in sight, and sure enough, Melinda's nose was missing.  So my mom gave her a new one.  Melinda is probably on her 3rd or 4th nose, and you know, she really isn't the Hollywood type!

"Tell me, does it move you, Does it soothe you, Does it fill your heart and soul with the roots of rock & roll?
When you can't get through it you can listen to it with a 'na na na na', Well I've been there before"
-"Been There Before" by Hanson

The Good Witch Of The South


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Cute story and I like this idea!


80's Rock Chick

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Ruby wrote:

Cute story and I like this idea!

I look forward to seeing what you all post!

"Tell me, does it move you, Does it soothe you, Does it fill your heart and soul with the roots of rock & roll?
When you can't get through it you can listen to it with a 'na na na na', Well I've been there before"
-"Been There Before" by Hanson

Cuff 'Em N' Stuff 'Em

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OOooooh Boy this is a subject that I can totally post for myself. But the question is, do you all want to see the picture......... ???

I'll take it this weekend and share.

Cute story LS smile.gif It made me smile


Toys, toys, toys, in the attic!

Phat Cat EL Presidente


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darleneapd wrote:

OOooooh Boy this is a subject that I can totally post for myself. But the question is, do you all want to see the picture......... ???

I'll take it this weekend and share.

Cute story LS smile.gif It made me smile

Well Darlene....I guess that would depend on if it was some kind of piercing, shrunken head in a jar or something! biggrin 

Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...

80's Rock Chick

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Sparky wrote:
Well Darlene....I guess that would depend on if it was some kind of piercing, shrunken head in a jar or something! biggrin 


"Tell me, does it move you, Does it soothe you, Does it fill your heart and soul with the roots of rock & roll?
When you can't get through it you can listen to it with a 'na na na na', Well I've been there before"
-"Been There Before" by Hanson

2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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Wow, this thread really got me thinking.

I really have no prized possessions.  I mean, I have things I really love, like my projection TV or the studio for broadcasting.  But those things don't fit the bill after seeing Lady Stranges entry.  Her's has a lot of sentimental value, my stuff is just stuff.

My CD collection would have applied if I still had it.  I always said it was like my unique photo album, because I could pull any CD off the shelf and have a story to tell of a memory it conjured up.  I still have all the music and artwork stored in my computers, but it doesn't feel "real" when it's a digital collection.  I can't honestly say it's a prized possession anymore.  I wish I'd never sold off my collection hmm.gif

So anyway, the closest I come is something I just came into possession of a few years ago when my Dad passed.  I was given his military dog tags (which I know I've mentioned before, in fact, I might even have posted a photo before).

There's something very special about them to me.  For one thing I was always proud of his service, probably more than even he was.  But the most amazing thing to me is to know that these were around his neck during the worst time of his life.

That while he was sleeping in pup tents, and crawling on his stomach in the jungles of vietnam, these things were around his neck.

He wore them (and stopped wearing them for that matter) before I was even conceived.  They make me feel like I'm connected to him in a very deep way.  It's like I am able to see back PAST the time when I knew him when I carry them with me.  I think that's pretty cool.

I can just imagine there had to be quiet times during his stay in Vietnam in which he would sit and hold the tags, looking at them, thinking about what he was going through.  Now I do the same.  It's a great connection to him.

Anytime someone passes you're typically given something of theirs to remember them by.  When my first Grandpa passed I was given a magnifying glass that he used to read the paper.  When my second Grandpa passed I was given a flannel shirt he used to wear all the time.

But nothing comes close to having the meaning these tags do for me.  Of course, I'm sure part of that is the fact it was my Dad.  Hey, now that I think of it, he's wearing the tags in my avatar!



The Good Witch Of The South


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I like that story toosmile


Cuff 'Em N' Stuff 'Em

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Jeremy Riggs wrote:

He wore them (and stopped wearing them for that matter) before I was even conceived.

 You mean they weren't dangling down during this???  ......  wink.gif

Great story Riggs....I can imagine how special those are.  My dad was in the Air Force, but from the Grace of God just missed Vietnam.


Toys, toys, toys, in the attic!

2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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I don't know. He did meet my Mom the NIGHT he returned from service!

D'oh! doh.gif


80's Rock Chick

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I'm afraid everyone with the exception of Riggs is looking to get a "0" on this assigment!  furious

"Tell me, does it move you, Does it soothe you, Does it fill your heart and soul with the roots of rock & roll?
When you can't get through it you can listen to it with a 'na na na na', Well I've been there before"
-"Been There Before" by Hanson

Cuff 'Em N' Stuff 'Em

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Posts: 7442

No, I'll take the deduction from my grade for it being late, I was just really busy LS, but I have every intention of doing it!! smile.gif


Toys, toys, toys, in the attic!

Smiles everyone, smiles!

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aww...  those stories were great!smile
jr, your story made me a bit teary eyed... 

i don't have a picture right now, but my prized posession would be my cedar chest that my dad made for my 13th birthday.  my dad was a self taught carver from the time he was about 8 until he passed away at the age of 64.  the chest is pine, carved all over with a simple flower pattern and cedar lined.  it also has a built in lock which is also all wood (locking mechanism included) and at one time had a wood skeleton key.  my mom was snooping and broke it tying to unlock it when it wasn't locked to begin with, so my dad replaced it with a brass key which he also made by hand.  it doesn't compare anyway in design and size to the one he made for my mom which is all cedar in and out and is carved with a huge pea**** and flowers and has an all cedar padlock and key.

You should fear anything that can bleed for seven days without dying...  (as told to Mr. DS on 3-12-10)

Doesn't Do Windows

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I thought about this, and even talked to my wife about it.

To try to answer the question, I asked myself "If we had a fire and lost everything, what would I be most upset about losing?"

The longer I thought about it, the more confused I got. There are things that I highly value because they are irreplaceable and have a lot of sentimental meaning. There are other things that I worked really hard for to get and would consider a "prized possession" but I'm not really attached to because they could be easily replaced with the insurance money.

From a sentimental standpoint I have a few.

First I have a couple smaller blankets packed away. They are really worn and thin. They were made by my great grandmother and I remember as a kid wrapping up in them watching cartoons on Saturday mornings. Irreplaceable, packed away and will never be used again.

Another thing I have is my grandmother's potato masher. Its just an old potato masher that we are using now ourselves. After my grandmother passed away a few years ago, the family met to go through her things and take what we wanted and put the rest out for the auction. I saw grandma's old potato masher in the drawer and clearly imagined her standing in her kitchen with a smile on her face and her hand wrapped around that thing as she was getting a meal ready for us. Grandma was one to never let you leave her house hungry and every meal was a "meat and potatoes" kind of meal. The masher is not a prized possession, the memories it causes to surface when I see it are.

Another thing I have is a quilt made by my other (still living) grandmother. It is a jean quilt that is huge and warm. I've had it about 15 years. It is covered with things that she cut out that are representative of things that have happened in my life up to that point. It has things on it like tools, football, high school and college graduation, my wife's name, etc. on it. That could never be replaced. I could probably get a picture of that if you wanted to see it. :)

Its funny how things mean different things to us and how we treat them differently. My grandmother made my brother and I each one of those quilts. Mine is in our bedroom closet and neatly folded. We get it down and use it on really cold winter nights because it is incredibly warm and heavy. The last time I saw my brother's quilt, it was behind the seat of his old, dirty, greasy farm pickup. They threw it back there so they would have something warm to wrap up in at ball games, etc. Does mine mean more to me than his does to him? I don't know.


80's Rock Chick

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disco strangler wrote:
i don't have a picture right now, but my prized posession would be my cedar chest that my dad made for my 13th birthday.  my dad was a self taught carver from the time he was about 8 until he passed away at the age of 64.  the chest is pine, carved all over with a simple flower pattern and cedar lined.  it also has a built in lock which is also all wood (locking mechanism included) and at one time had a wood skeleton key.  my mom was snooping and broke it tying to unlock it when it wasn't locked to begin with, so my dad replaced it with a brass key which he also made by hand.  it doesn't compare anyway in design and size to the one he made for my mom which is all cedar in and out and is carved with a huge pea**** and flowers and has an all cedar padlock and key.

That is fantastic.  Would love to see a picture of it when you get a chance.  (Sounds like something that's up Web's alley, too...)

"Tell me, does it move you, Does it soothe you, Does it fill your heart and soul with the roots of rock & roll?
When you can't get through it you can listen to it with a 'na na na na', Well I've been there before"
-"Been There Before" by Hanson

Permanent Vacation

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I'm really having a hard time thinking of something. Like Web, I asked myself if my house burnt down, what would I be the most sad to lose. But then I'd just be happy that everyone got out alive, and I get distracted by that thought.

I guess I'd have to say, sentimentally, I'd be sad to lose all my old letters. They are quite private and personal, so I won't take a picture of them. But a common thing in my serious relationships is to write letters to each other, and I've kept every single one. And there's several that's more than just letters, with poetry and drawings as well.

Oh, I thought of a couple others. They're both jewelry, and I'll have to post pictures later. One is the first necklace my husband gave to me before we even technically started dating. The other is the necklace with a pearl in a heart shaped cage that my mom gave me for graduation. Oh, and then there's the pendant my friend gave me for making her wedding dress. And the pendant I wore for my wedding. And the sake set I got when I was the maid of honor in my best friend's wedding. And well, my own wedding dress. And...

Now I'm getting carried away. If I had to pick just one thing, it would be those letters.




Thumptastic: Chef of the Stars

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I have several posessions that are meaningful but I guess I to have something that was given to me when my grandfather passed away in 1996. My grandparents had a Huge hanging rain lamp in the living room. it had a statue of a woman and when it heated up then oil would drip down the strings and make it look like rain. It was one of my favorite things. When my grandfather passed I was given it by my grandmother and I now have it in my home. It needs to be cleaned so it has not been used in a while

The best thing this side of a stove

Cleverly Disguised As A Responsible Adult

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I thought about this a lot and found that, though I have a few meaningful things that I own, there are almost none that I could do without. It is the people in my life and the memories and experiences I collect that have the most meaning for me...which means my brain is my most prized possession, because it is the storehouse of everything that is me.

If I were told to pick one material possession, it would have to be my Gohonzon. It is spiritually significant to me and my receiving it marked a very important time of change in my life...a positive change that brings me great happiness and helps me keep motivated and inspired.


-- Heather: "I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"

2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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These are all very cool!

Great idea for a thread LS. Nice to learn a little something more about everyone.


Grand Poobah


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Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!smile

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

Cuff 'Em N' Stuff 'Em

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Okay, I told you I would do this assignment.  I have a stuffed dog that I sleep with nightly.  It was the last "material" thing my X husband gave to me before we split up after 11 years of marriage.  He gave it to me for Valentine's Day in 2001.  My mother had shattered her ankle in a fall, so I went to stay at her house to aid in her needs.  My mother lives alone and is also divorced.

My husband at the time was living in our condo with Kaisha, making sure she got up for school every day and had lunch or lunch money.  He was there for Kaisha since I couldn't be there then.  The one thing I do regret about our break up is that he was always there for Kaisha.  And he was a great father. 

In August of 2001, we split up, I found out that during the time of my staying w/ my mother while she had the broken ankle, he had an affair w/ a younger, coworker whom he worked with. 

I was devistated, but it was a deal breaker in my eyes, and even after 9-11, when he and I talked about getting back together, I could not take him back.  I thought that every time he went to work, he'd see her, and any feelings he had for this woman would always be in front of him.  So I filed for divorce.

Anyway, the dog, my stupid, stuffed dog.  It was what I slept with when I lived w/ my mother during her injury, and when I returned home, I continued to sleep with it, even when I was there w/ my "Husband" at the time.  I had gotten used to it next to me.  His gift for Valentine's day for me, ended up sharing a bed with us.  But when all the **** hit the fan, and I found out of the affair the dog still slept with me.

Now, after 6 years + this dog still sleeps by my side every night.  And my boyfriend had gotten used to it.  If I have to work late at night, and I come home long after my boyfriend is in bed, the dog is usually on the floor, on my side of the bed.  My boyfriend has threatened to throw it away when I am not home, but he knows how much I like having it in my bed next to me.

As far as the story behind this dog, my boyfriend really doesn't know why I have it or why I sleep with it every night, so it's our little secret.

And or course there is just a picture of Rex because he is also special to me, and he is definately a prized possession in my book..... thanks for letting me share this.  How well did I do LS???smile


Toys, toys, toys, in the attic!

Cuff 'Em N' Stuff 'Em

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Posts: 7442

Where's LS been this afternoon?  I'm still waiting for my


Toys, toys, toys, in the attic!

2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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Posts: 29950

Excellent Darlene. I commend you on having the strength to stay strong. A great although sad story that will hopefully have an extremely happy ending for you!

Good thread. Very very good thread. biggrin.gif


The Good Witch Of The South


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Thanks for sharing!

Sorry he was a jerk- I am not sure I could get past infidelity myself.


Grand Poobah


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wow- great thread!smile

I don't have a pic of it readily available, and I am not sure its not my mosed prized pocession, but I would have to say my BA degree.

I went in to debt over that think.
I spent sleepless nights over a decade studying for the thing.
I had to work 60 hrs a week for that thing, take time off because I could not affoard the thing.
I had to deal with the worst beuracracy and incompetencein the world at that school.
tuition doubled over the time I was there. classes I needed weren't offered when I wanted them.

I starved for that thing. buy a book and eat ramen noodles for a week.

I earned that sucker with no help. that is my prized possesion., I did it.

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

Cleverly Disguised As A Responsible Adult

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That's cool JD! I can understand why it would be so valuable to you...the things you give up to get your degree! I admire your determination to make it happen. smile

-- Heather: "I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"

2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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JD The Jazz Doctor wrote:

wow- great thread!smile

I don't have a pic of it readily available, and I am not sure its not my mosed prized pocession, but I would have to say my BA degree.

I went in to debt over that think.
I spent sleepless nights over a decade studying for the thing.
I had to work 60 hrs a week for that thing, take time off because I could not affoard the thing.
I had to deal with the worst beuracracy and incompetencein the world at that school.
tuition doubled over the time I was there. classes I needed weren't offered when I wanted them.

I starved for that thing. buy a book and eat ramen noodles for a week.

I earned that sucker with no help. that is my prized possesion., I did it.

I got mine on the internet for $24.95 and they threw in a microwave pizza plate. biggrin.gif

Just kiddin' JD.  I can see why that would be so important to you.  It's a testament to a lot of sacrifice and hard work and you should be proud everytime you see it.

I did get one on the net though.  As long as an employer never actually calls the "National School of Academic Acheivement" I should be good to go biggrin.gif


Grand Poobah


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Posts: 36897

thanks g-gal and thanks riggs.

riggs, I imagine you must have similar pride with your Kindergarden Completion

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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Posts: 29950

JD The Jazz Doctor wrote:

thanks g-gal and thanks riggs.

riggs, I imagine you must have similar pride with your Kindergarden Completion

Nah, I paid Russell Helminski to take the final exam for me hmm.gif

Worst $5 I ever spent.  The kid got 7 out of 10 wrong.  He couldn't even get naming the colors right hmm.gif


Cleverly Disguised As A Responsible Adult

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Jeremy Riggs wrote:

I did get one on the net though.  As long as an employer never actually calls the "National School of Academic Acheivement" I should be good to go biggrin.gif

Hey hey, virtual college has its merits! I spent 3 years doing doubled-up classes and such via UOP Online. I got my degree, and they made me work darn hard to earn it! I still have a tendency to apply APA formatting to my writing, since they beat me senseless with APA papers every week. {{lol}}

-- Heather: "I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"
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