Morning everyone. Not much going on here today. My youngest daughter is home from school today. The 8th grade left yesterday to go to Cedar Point for two days, but my daughter doesn't like roller coasters and said she didn't want to go with she asked if she could stay home this morning instead of going to school and be put in with the 7th grade to do school work. Her sister said she'd take her shopping, out for lunch, then to see the new Pirates movie....sounds like they'll have fun. Wish I could go with them instead of having to go to work.
hello all We lost internet at work friday night and it still wasn't up this morning. But it is now. They sure do like to scare me! Neither me or hubby slept well last night. He said he was up every hour on the clock. I had a stupid song stuck in my head and I know it was still there at 3am. It was pure torture.
I have to husle to get my info entered for payroll since I am still behind but I will be around.
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
I'm not big on coasters myself Ruby. I used to ride them just so my friends wouldn't make fun of me, but as I've gotten older I don't care anymore what people say.......I didn't like coasters then and still don't. My oldest daughter loves 'em......she's going there in 3 weeks with some of her friends.