Oh that's a good one! Sometimes you see the funniest things in everyday life...I remember once driving past Hardee's in Platteville around lunchtime and seeing the most ironic thing. I wish I had a camera at the time. A large livestock disposal truck, with advertising of its services and a comic image of a dead cow painted on its side, parked right out front in their parking lot. Now the guys driving the truck were just grabbing a bite to eat I'm sure, but can you imagine what people were thinking of Hardee's hamburger content when they passed by?
-- Heather: "I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"
Last fall when I went upnorth for a weekend to help my uncle on his land we both lauged our butts off while reading the paper in the cabin.
It covered two small cities that were right next to each other.
On I think the third page was a story about how the first town was worried about the low water levels in their lake.
On page five was a story from the other town commenting on the cities concern over the high water levels in their lake and how they needed to pump it out.
Seemed like a problem only two hick towns couldn't come up with a solution for
The store is closed now, but there was a "dime store" here that had two doors about 20 feet apart. On one of the doors, they had a nice sign that said: "The worlds best customers come through this door". Right underneath that was a hand written cardboard sign that said: "Please use other door".
The store is closed now, but there was a "dime store" here that had two doors about 20 feet apart. On one of the doors, they had a nice sign that said: "The worlds best customers come through this door". Right underneath that was a hand written cardboard sign that said: "Please use other door".
I was going to stop one day and take picture of that door and send it in to Jay Leno's "Headlines" but I kept forgetting and didn't get it done before they fixed the door. I think it was that way about a month.