All I know is that they left the bowling alley together, then got the idea to take the parents' boat out on the Saginaw Bay for the night and most of the following day; they stayed the night out by Charity Islands. The girl walked in the door while I was talking to her mom that night. Anyway, I don't know any other details, but I do know both of the kids are completely grounded.....neither is allowed to use the phone, computer, or go anywhere right now......the girl is looking at two months "in-house detention". Once her parents didn't have to worry about her being hurt or something, they are now really, really upset with her. As of right now, I don't know why either of the kids took the boat without letting anyone know where they were.....maybe it was a "moment of teenage hormones".....I don't know. It just seems so out of character for both of these kids to do something like that.....but then too, kids are kids and don't always make the wisest decisions sometimes. I was upset with both of them too when I learned where they had been.
I'm just really relieved for the parents that both kids got home.....those hours they were missing are every parent's worst nightmare. I thought maybe they had been in a car accident somewhere but the wreck hadn't been found, or that they may have been car-jacked with both still inside the vehicle. My daughter is really mad at her friend right now for not letting anyone know where she was going or where she was at; the kids all assumed the two were going home, same as the rest of them were.......she said she plans to read her friend the riot act once she's able to talk to her again.
Thanks for asking Sparky. That's all I know right now.