Somebody put on Kool & the Gang's "Celebration", LET'S PARTY!
There's good news and bad news for Badger State taxpayers today, courtesy of analysts at Wisconsin Taxpayers Alliance in Madison.
The bad news: Wisconsin is still on the top 10 list for highest-taxing states in America, based on 2004-2005 incomes and state-local tax burden.
The good news: We've dropped from sixth highest to eighth highest, as our share of income paid for taxes dipped to 12.13% from 12.18% a year earlier.
When user fees and charges are factored in, Wisconsin's ranking drops out of the top 10, to 13th - also an improvement over a year ago, the nonprofit public interest group reported.
Remember though, this is BEFORE this years 40% increase in license registration fees and the 2.5% oil tax, among several other of chrome dome doyle's pet tax projects he's working on.
"What I'm proposing, is a per post state tax on all posts made in the Freeze-Frame Forum. This is just good government. We've got to raise funds to pay for my hair transplant."
Experts say it will lead to as much as 7 - 10 cents more per gallon (because this is just on the profit portion, meaning they'll need to make it even bigger on the retail end).
He's trying to claim it will be illegal for the oil companies to pass it along to consumers, but how in the HELL is that gonna be enforced?
Does this guy know anything at all about how a friggin' business actually works?!?!
"What I'm proposing, is a per post state tax on all posts made in the Freeze-Frame Forum. This is just good government. We've got to raise funds to pay for my hair transplant."
I just had a BRILLIANT idea! I'm gonna write a letter to Doyle!
Can you imagine how much money he could raise for the state of Wisconsin if he sold naming rights to his forehead? Can't you just see an H & R BLOCK logo or something splashed across that head?
It's great advertising AND a way to raise easy cash to help pay for all his excessive programs!