So I get back in from running my morning errands, and follow my standard procedure.
Turn on the 24 hour news channel, start making some breakfast, etc.
Over an hour now, and apparantly the ONLY story is Paris Hilton going back to court. For a solid hour they've had a helicopter shot of her home while deputies come and go, preparing her to drive back to court.
News media everywhere. A plane flying overhead towing a banner that says "We Love You Paris."
I swear to God, it all has that OJ feeling with the lemonheads and their signs on the freeway overpasses that said "The Juice Is Loose" and "Go O.J."
Sometimes you just feel like you're trapped in a bad movie
Can you imagine being a soldier in Iraq, risking your life every day, and you find out that the biggest news story for the last few days back home is Paris Hilton's DUI jail time?
i guess they really don't want her at the jail because she is a distraction. But my husband made a good point. Do you want your kids to see how Paris acts and be able to show them that she gets away with it? The jail just needs to suck it up because a point needs to be made. I'm sorry celebs get way too much slack.
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
They're claiming she was let out because her doctor convinced the sherrif she was on the verge of a nervous breakdown.
How many inmates do you think could argue that?
Apparantly she was pressing some emergency button every five minutes and driving the staff of the jail nuts.
Throw her in solitary confinement for three weeks and be done with it!
They keep showing the original court order where the judge both hand wrote and typed NO HOUSE ARREST, NO WORK RELEASE. Now apparantly he's PO'd and planning on sending her right back.