Firefly, I'm with you on the carpal tunnel thing. I have problems with my left wrist. I suspected I had carpal tunnel before, but then the back half of my hand went numb, so I went to the doctor. She gave me meds and made me wear the lovely splint, but it didn't get any better. She gave me two options, electroshock-type testing and then surgery, or up my meds and continue to wear the splint. The meds made me sick, so I eventually stopped taking them and stopped wearing the brace and just kind of live with it now. On really bad days I'll wear the brace, but for the most part, I just deal.
Firefly, I'm with you on the carpal tunnel thing. I have problems with my left wrist. I suspected I had carpal tunnel before, but then the back half of my hand went numb, so I went to the doctor. She gave me meds and made me wear the lovely splint, but it didn't get any better. She gave me two options, electroshock-type testing and then surgery, or up my meds and continue to wear the splint. The meds made me sick, so I eventually stopped taking them and stopped wearing the brace and just kind of live with it now. On really bad days I'll wear the brace, but for the most part, I just deal.
Yeah the meds have made me a little sick, but nothing that I can't handle. I am in the most pain when I take the splint off. I hate wearing it though.