I'm not sure how much of this I mentioned. Our friend went to Kentucky for a couple weeks and asked us to take care of his new baby turtle. Well, he's back now, and when it was time to take him home, he said, "Well, you could still watch him for a while..." So we have another turtle, at least for now. So technically, he's not ours, we're just foster parents for the moment. We're calling him, "Little Running Turtle."
He is so little. I'll take him outside and just hold him in the palm of my hand. At first, he just stayed in his shell. But now he trusts me, and he'll walk all over my hands and I have to keep doing the hand over hand thing so he can keep walking. It's so cute!
I used to have newts (sic?). I loved those things. I always wanted to set up a small tank with half water & half land and have a few newts in it. Maybe I'll do that this week. I could add a turtle too :)
I never could see the pix. I did like the video yesterday though of the turtle chasing the cats. That was tooo cute. Reminded me of a snapping turtle my brother brought home once. Mean mean mean. I had nightmares that night about the thing. Just to really show my redneck roots, I've eaten turtle before. My grandmother would cook ANYTHING that was brought to her. My uncle and his friend brought a HUGE turtle over one Sunday and asked my grandmother if she'd fix it. She ended up boiling it I think. It was good, tasted like chicken. It really did!! My grandmother was an AWESOME country cook. BUt.... you never never never ate the BBQ. That was always the mystery meat. If she didn't know what to do with it, she'd BBQ it!!
Plu, I don't know about Wisconsin, but in Indiana you can't buy a baby turtle unless it's for "educational purposes." But this guy wasn't bought, he was found.
They sell them at our pet stores. My Mom has a 55 gallon tank so I've spent some time in the fish stores with her. But still, you're right, he'd get bigger and they might not get along so well. I'll have to ask.