I had an awesome weekend. I even have a light sunburn that I'm hoping will turn into a tan by the end of the day. But now I'm tired. I wish I would've bought a bigger coffee.
Hello all! I feel so cut off from the world since we have no phone, cable or internet at home since Saturday! Then today we lost our radio station! We wake up to the radio and the last time the snooze went off there was no radio. We got in the car and the station wasn't there either! Are we being punished?!
I have payroll to do but once again the server is not acting right so I must wait for them to fix the problem.
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
Work sure isn't what they said it would be. My parents always made it seem so important and stuff... I think I would be okay if I didn't HAVE to work. Maybe I have a rich uncle I don't know about. He'll leave me a pile of money. That's a good plan.
Happy Monday All.
JD, missed the show. Hangin' with the kid and all. We were checking out some albums he just got. Arcade Fire and AFI stuff. Then, we checked out some Porcupine Tree. PT is sort of dark stuff. They remind me of A Perfect Circle. Fleshtones on Thursday eve.
All I wanted was a Pepsi, and SHE wouldn't Give it to me.
Good monday mornin' all. My weekend was okay. My brother is staying w/ my mother and helping out with her. I have to work later today at the golf course. At least the weather is beautiful!!
Wow, the weekend went by fast!! No big plans today. I am going to work out with my best friend and then go prepare dinner for my mom later. I hope that everyone enjoyed their weekend!
present... rain all weekend... rain today... rain rain go away...
father's day was nice. had the in-laws over. made green chile chicken enchiladas, zucchini w/corn & tomatos, tex mex rice, sandia strawberry dream pie (i will put that one in the easy recipes when i locate the thread!) and peach cobbler...
i owe, owe... so back to work i go...
smiles everyone! smiles!
You should fear anything that can bleed for seven days without dying... (as told to Mr. DS on 3-12-10)
it's ok just the being cut off from the world is driving me crazy! My husband said that he was gonna pitch a fit if we did not have all our Comcast stuf back up today (phone, cable, internet). I am not sure I have ever heard my house so quiet. Then we were just did tired from the heat and stress once we got our power back.
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
it's ok just the being cut off from the world is driving me crazy! My husband said that he was gonna pitch a fit if we did not have all our Comcast stuf back up today (phone, cable, internet). I am not sure I have ever heard my house so quiet. Then we were just did tired from the heat and stress once we got our power back.
I know what you mean. We had a really bad ice storm here a couple years back and all power was off for about two weeks. That was the closest to a nervous breakdown that I have ever been.