Hello all! It is a dreary day out. Thunderstorms are a brewing and it is very humid. My husband woke up with a severe headache. I am sure he is stressing out. He got a message from his parents for him to call and explain why he is mad at them. This only made him more mad because he believes that they should know. So he is trying to figure out what he is going to do. He is not sure that he will tell them everything he is feeling if he calls them as opposed to emailing them. On top of that he has been stressed at work due to having to fill in for other people and not being able to do his own job.
On the plus side- we have our phone, internet and cable back!
Have a good day!
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
I had a chance to sleep better last night. I figured out why my new server was showing the hard drives a PATA rather than SATA. A change in the BIOS brought them up to speed, and reinstalled CentOS and that is one problem off my mind. One new server is up, running, and ready for final configuration before sending it to the data center in Phoenix.
I could have slept better, but didn't. With my wife gone for a few days, the boy likes to sleep in mom's spot in our bed. It is such a big deal to him, and it gives him one thing to look forward to when mom's not home. So, that means getting kicked, pushed, bumped, and poked all night by a six year old.
The piano tuner is coming at 1:00pm today to get our paino sounding better. Hopefully that will get my wife interested in playing again.
after 12 days of rain the tulsa metro is supposed to get a break! now we can look forward to the humidity and the heat index! 90's for the rest of the week..
smiles everyone! smiles!
You should fear anything that can bleed for seven days without dying... (as told to Mr. DS on 3-12-10)