I know I told you about my husband's family trouble. The big fight that resulted in him not speaking to his parents. Well he finally emailed them Wed? explaining how he felt and why. He then kept checking for a response. He was getting mad because he didn't get one back. I kept telling him that you are left with a lot of wondering when you don't talk. I reminded him that maybe his Mom doesn't check her email that much. Anyway he got a email back late Sat night. They had been away because her sister had surgery. He then called her Sunday. She said that she can't take anymore stuff form his brother either. That she had talked to someone that said she was gonna have to start doing tough love. She hasn't talked to him or his wife but she plans on telling him that he is not welcome at their house anymore while he continues to do drugs. She also wanted to know if we were coming up for the 4th.
We have not decided but my husband wants to sit down and talk with his Mom & step-dad at the same time and explain that he is done with his brother and if we ever have to leave like that again because they won't tell him to go then he will be done with them as well.
But it seems like things are taking a turn for the better. We can't change his brother but at least maybe he won't be writting everyone off.
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
we usually go up and she said that 2 sets of his aunts/Uncles will be up as well. So nothing major but I didn't know if he was ready to try another trip again so soon. I am just waiting to find out how he feels. I am a little nervous myself. Only because I don't want anymore trouble from his brother. I don't think he would show but he isn't always rational.
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"