I was watching an episode of Buffy the other night and thought something they did was GREAT.
It was the episode where Cordelia falls through the stairs and impales herself on a steel rod. It went right through her midriff.
She's lying there, bleeding to death. Xander is telling her to hang on. She looks at him and says "Xander, I can't see you" then she closes her eyes and appears to die.
I was shocked!
next scene, they're craning up from a funeral. Coffin, surrounded by mourners in black, a priest saying some prayers. Clearly Cordelia has passed away.
Then they pull back and you see Buffy & Willow walking on a road in the cemetary right next to the funeral and Buffy says "So Corderlia's gonna make it?" and Willow says "Yeah, apparantly the rod missed the vital organs".
I thought that was one of the cleverest moments I'd seen on TV. They TOTALLY suckered me in.
yes they did that really well. My husband and I looked at each other all puzzled. We were going "was it a dream?" then they continued on with the scene.
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"