I vote YES! Her music is way out of its league alongside the classic veteran artists that this station spotlights. Her new song "Breakaway" sucks big-time in my opinion.
For that matter, I vote for deleting from the playlist anyone who ever appeared on American Awful, I mean idol.
I'm sorry, I gotta vote against that one...While I'm not a huge fan of Breakaway, I LOVE "A Moment Like This". I also am a huge fan of Clay Aikin's "Invisible." Haven't heard much from Ruben Or Fantasia, but to tell the truth I didn't watch most of season 2 & none of 3.
I have to say I really like the new Kelly Clarkson song (which is probably why it's in heavy rotation ), but soon we will drop it down to a medium rotation of only twice every 24 hours, and shortly after that to an even lower rotation.
There's a real backlash against the Idol folks, but I think in reality some of their stuff is pretty good. I think nothing ever compares to what we first fell in love with (they say you'll always compare everyone you meet against the first girl you fell for), but if that Clarkson song had been released in 1984 I think it would be respected as any other 80's song.
None the less, I must admit, I get more negative feedback on that one than I get positive.
It's hard though, this station was started as an all-80's station, and I'll tell you, after a year of playing the same 2,000 hits you start yearning for some new pop music to put in the mix
So, what's everyone else's opinion? Let's hear it? Love her or hate her?
I'm sorry about the overplaying of that song. It's a problem I'm trying to fix with the new software we've installed.
Both KELLY CLARKSONS BREAKAWAY and DURAN DURANS SUNRISE were designated power hits in the software, but for some reason BREAKAWAY was played every four hours and SUNRISE was not played at all other than when we would manually put it in the cue.
This software ensures things like the same artist won't be played twice in X amount of time, and that the same song won't be played in X amount of time. It's also supposed to regulate the frequency by letting us set a rotation of LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH, or POWER, but so far it's not working very well.
We'll get it figured out though! And when we do the station will have a much better and balanced sound.
Not to mention the fully automated request line, which will REALLY be cool.
pull the plug. the songs been on the radio for months now and its getting stale. you should still keep it on the playlist but i wouldn't consider it a top single anymore