Hey all! I am here but today is my last day before my trip. I leave Monday at 11 and get to VA at 7 at night! Three planes both ways! But I see it as an adventure. Gonna take my cell, cross stitch project and some good books. I have never been alone for five days before. I am scared and excited all at once!
Well I got home and took a Zyrtec and felt better so I guess I can rule it as allergies. We have decided that we will not be camping and we will just go over to the reunion. I am inpressed that he came up with that all by himself.
Last night I slept for a couple of hours and then work up. Then I started stressing, got a song stuck in my head and my stomach bothered me. Nothing like a whammy
I eventually fell back to sleep but then got a charlie horse in my leg. So I am tired today and am happy it is Friday. Oh and our shared drive is down at work so I can't do my job.
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
I got a little too much sun on my legs yesterday while mowing. They re pretty red and burning today.
Its going to be extra hot the next few says. The forecast says 100 for today.
It should be a fun next few days with my wife's cousin and her husband coming tomorrow night. They will be staying with us until Tuesday morning. If all works out as planned, we will get to see the "OK Sisters" Sunday evening for a bit.
sorry for my disapperance but we had an eletrical fire where our server is located and we had to shut down all computers. Glad I had my music player with me. Now I am even further behind in payroll!
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
Hey all ! Just wanted to check in and wish you a Happy Friday!!!
Ruby, I hope you have a great time on your vacation!! It's been a while since I've been away for more than a day by myself so I can appreciate your feelings. I think it'd be nice to not hear "hey mom what's for dinner?" for five days in a row, haha.
I am pretty sure this is 6 days no internet access or contact with people I know (besides the cell phone) . But it is a good thing. I am looking forward to being an adult. I'll be in airport hell, but that is okay. 8 hours in three airports! I am thinking of this as an adventure. In the long run my job will be better. My family will survive- my house might be messy, but that's ok. I need a break from them all. I will miss E, but I am hoping that everyone in my home will appreciate me more! I can dream right?
I have never been alone this long so we will see if I like myself!