For those that didn't catch what I said in the Right Now Thread- here is a recap:
My landlord called me at work yesterday to ask if we wanted renew our lease. Also keep in mind that he actually had to get off his butt and pay to get rid of the bees in the wall. He is an absent landlord and never fixes anything he says he is going to. But we rarely call him about stuff. And he has never raised the rent. I told him that our intention was to renew when we called him back in April. Our lease ended in May. He asked when we wanted to start the new lease. I told him that I thought we were in a lease. (verbal) He said that we were doing month to month. I started to get mad and didn't know what to say. He then said to discuss it with my husband and get back with him. I looked up a MI renters guide which states that unless it is stated in the previous lease about going month to month then the previous fixed term lease is implied if you continue to occupy the residence an the landlord cashes the checks.
So I went home and checked the lease and there is a statement in there about going month to month. However it pisses me off because he acknowledges that April phone call- so wouldn't that be a verbal agreement? He said that it was okay for us to stay another year and that he would get the lease right out to us. He didn't but that isn't our fault that he didn't do his paperwork! So we are figuring that he wants a new lease starting now so he can jack up the rent. He can't legally do that if he goes back to May because he has been accepting the current price these past months.
Due to my husband having a really bad headache last night we did not call the landlord back. But my husband does not want to stay longer in a new lease and definitely doesn't want to pay more for an absent landlord! He said if the rent got raised that he would throw all the repairs back in his face: fixing the garage floor, holes in living room floor(under carpet), painting the house, re roofing- all that was supposed to be done the first year! Things he said he was gonna do. The only thing that was our complaint was the living room floor. We also told him that the garage roof is leaking several months ago- but still not fixed.
So we have no money saved but in the end we may have to move.
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"