There are a lot of things I don't like about living in these modern times, but this is one of the things I DO like. In the information age you just can't get away with being a a jerk like OJ or Barry Bonds without people being a jerk right back to you.
It's not like the old days where a guy like Ty Cobb could be a creep and the press and other media outlets only showed his stats every night so you never really saw him for what he was.
Barry Bonds has always said he does whats best for Barry Bonds (he loves to speak in the third person). He's gotten a good dose of that thrown back in his face lately.
Someone bought his historic homer ball for $750,000 and now you can vote at to decide what becomes of it.
A) Send it to cooperstown
B) Brandish it with a nice big asterik and THEN send it to cooperstown
C) Blast it into space where it will orbit forever, only to burn up on re-entry if it ever falls.
Be sure to vote, results will be announced after September 25'th.