Some things make a lot of sense in the present, but a few years later leave you wondering how they were EVER cool. Readers submitted these funnies from the 80's in a recent survey:
Lawn Darts: A toy that can puncture a kid's skullif that's not funny, then I don't know anything. That would never fly today - Can you say "helmet required" kiddies?
Acid Rain: I know this is a serious issue, but I can't help but thinking the threat was overhyped. I grew up thinking that acid rain was melting cars in Los Angeles.
Mr. T Welding: This happened at least once in every A-Team episode. Yet another way to show off his biceps.
Teddy Ruxpin: Creepy, animatronic stuffed bear that was a toy contemporary of the creepy, non-animatronic My Buddy Doll.
The Fat Boys: The Fat Boy's debut album depicted the three members of the group eating ice cream, soda, hamburgers, and pizza, and on top of the pizza was a smaller version of the trio wearing prison stripes. In other words, it doesn't make a lick of sense.
Epilady Epliator: Electrical device employing a coil spring to mechanically grab and remove hair by the root. In other words, ouch.
Mr. Miyaga's Healing Touch: Deep tissue damage is no match for a clap of the hands and some determined rubbing from an elderly Asian man.
Rat Tails: Not long ago a guy with a braided rat tail sported this dated look, and I had to wonder if the name alone didn't give away it's lack of appeal as a fashion statement.
-- Edited by garougal at 14:53, 2007-09-24
-- Heather: "I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"