When you just can't tell it like it is, count on someone to have come up with euphemisms to call it something utterly ridiculous. Some reader favorites:
Frick: You frickin' fricker, this really fricks me the frick off.
Flippin': A euphemism for that other f-word, e.g. "No flippin' way!"
Badonkadonk: Straight from Wikipedia, "Badonkadonk is a slang term for a woman's buttocks that are voluptuously large yet firm..." Per Tracy Morgan, "One cheek goes up, badonkadonk; the other goes down, badonkadonk."
Shake the Dew Off the Lilly: I don't know where this came from, but when I was a kid and had to go to the bathroom in the woods, this is what we would say.
Powder My Nose: Euphemism for using the restroom. A friend has used this expression for years and now only taps his nose to exuse himself.
Break Wind: Of all the euphemisms for flatulance, I believe "break wind" is the most graphic description.
Coin Slot: Also known as "butt cleavage" or the more widely used "plumber crack".
Ross and Rachel: An amusing phrase to call an annoying, on-again, off-again couple. Or an even more amusing phrase to call a perfectly lovely couple so as to annoy them.
Beer Drought: As in, "This table is experiencing a beer drought. Who's buying?"
Man Suit: This was a perfectly good phrase to describe the naked, hairy male body before it was co-opted for a Dial commercial.