Good morning I am sooooo ready for Thanksgiving break! I have about 15 more minutes to get ready for work, so I thought I would stop in and tell everyone that I hope they have a great day!
"I like rice. Rice is great if you are hungry and want 2000 of something." - mitch hedberg
whoa...well, I was awake at 4:30 am because my alarm said so. I've got a gig at the nature center as a character in their haunted hike. Three hours in this beautiful weather (rain & 50's)
All I wanted was a Pepsi, and SHE wouldn't Give it to me.
I woke up feeling a little better this morning, so I'll be heading to work in another hour. It's dark and raining.....I wanna crawl back under the covers.
Squonk, sorry you're going to be out in the rain, but your gig sounds like fun. I'd like to do something like that at Halloween, but I don't know who to contact here to get involved with that sorta thing.
Good day all. I got woke up to lots and lots of wind this morning (enough to wake me up). We're under a tornado watch right now, but looking at the radar, I don't think we have anything to worry about. It's supposed to settle down during the day, and then start storming again tonight. I don't have much planned tonight other than Tai Chi, so I don't mind. I kinda like storms (though the tornadoes can stay away).
Speaking of tornadoes, a couple weeks ago, we went over to a friend's house to watch Erie, Indiana. Does anyone remember that show?
tornado? in tulsa? i thought that last night, when the straight 60 mph winds, rain and hail passed our place and i turned on the news and heard "over twenty people injured...." on the news!
maybe what y'all are hearing is the tent collapse at a pre-octoberfest activity because of the high winds... i never sat down at watched, but by the time i turned in around 9:30, they speculated over 30 were injured. and that could be anything from cuts and scrapes to broken bones...
i don't think there were any tornadoes; i hope not. tulsa metro today-- sunny and 78!
well, today we're short the receptionist, so i get to answer the phones!
oh, and i found that tylenol pm rapid release works great when you can't sleep because of a headache...
You should fear anything that can bleed for seven days without dying... (as told to Mr. DS on 3-12-10)
Mornin' all, just stoppin' in to say a quick hello.
I expected to wake up to violent storms, instead there's not a cloud in the sky and it's a beautiful 70 degrees. Last night the weatherman said it was gonna be a wild ride of sunshine mixed with violent storms, so we'll see what the rest of the day holds.
I'm busy right now rearranging the house, I gotta say I am SO impressed with Craigs list. I've been putting some furniture on that site from the living room (and sadly a few items from the studio) and the emails and calls come in almost immediately. Much better response than the local paper.
Well, I hope everyone has a GREAT day! I'm gonna git back to work!
I really need to check out the craigslist thing. I've got some comic books I've been trying to sell forever, but I just want to sell the whole box off without listing them all on ebay. But, I haven't wanted to try to weigh the box and ship it and all that.
I found some bad stuff on a different server than what we were fighting last time. I think I found where it got through an old chat script on a client's account. I've killed that script and sent them an email that they will not be able to use that script any longer.
I think we're all cleaned up again but I'll watch it extra close for the next few days to make sure.
Oh man, that thyroid stuff can really mess with you.
I remember when my mom was acting weird. My dad honestly thought she was losing her mind. They figured out her thyroid was whacked out. Meds got her back to normal again.
Thanks- just something I have to go through. EVERYTHING is making me cry and get upset. I fussed for a good minute this am first thing when the hubby woke up and realized I had it bad. I apologized and felt bad. I was stressing about anything I could and that is not me. Does not help that I found out yesterday Emily needs 2000$ worth of dental work and my insurance will only cover about $800. $600 is sedate her twice and the insurance will pay none of it! She has 7 cavities in between her teeth on each molar! I was beyond upset. I am gonna get a third opinion and some more info, but from what I can tell it is gonna cost us at least $1000! She has mine and my hubby's teeth! Bad saliva so they say!