Christmas will be in here in less than 50 days!! I was trying to think back to my favorite Christmas present that I have ever gotten.
The gift that I got the most enjoyment out of was when I was 13 years old. My parents bought me a Nintendo Game system. I was very poor growing up , so I remember thinking that we must have hit the "big time" when I got that!
What was your most memorable?
"I like rice. Rice is great if you are hungry and want 2000 of something." - mitch hedberg
I had a habit of snooping. I went to any length to find out what my Christmas gift was before I got it. It would drive my Mother nuts.
On year I remember them telling me to wait in the bathroom while they brought my last gift down from upstairs. I heard a few balls bounce down the stairs and thought "what the heck"
When a little time passed they told me to come out but cover my eyes to the living room. When I got there they had bought me a cool little pool table. It stood about 3 or 4 feet off the ground and was about 4 feet long and 3 feet wide. It even had working ball returns!
I was so shocked I didn't know what to say. It was the only gift I truly was surprised by in a long time. I remember my Mom thinking that I didn't like it because I was so expressionless, but I kept telling her it was the coolest thing EVER, I was just in absolute shock.
I guess I tend to remember birthday presents more than Christmas presents. I just associate Christmas with being stressed out and trying to please everyone else.
So it's not surprising that my most memorable Christmas was the one that due to weather and jobs, we were stuck at home. We slept in, and then went to see Die Another Day at the movie theater.
Don't get me wrong, I love to go see all my family, I just don't like to jam it all into one or two days when I really don't get to spend any quality time with them.