This back-to-school season is clearly becoming one of the most paranoia-filled seasons yetand companies are cashing in. Chris Null wrote about MJ Safety Solution, a U.S. based company that sells bulletproof backpacks to offer students some level of protection in case they're ever caught in the middle of a school shooting. The website brings to mind the fact that 328 school shooting have occured since 1999, leaving 229 dead and 422 injured. And with the recent shooting in Virginia Tech still fresh in our minds, the idea of spending $175 on a backpack to protect junior in school seems plausible.
Over in Britain parents have similar concerns, except they're more worried about their children being stabbed on their way to school. Bladerunner is known for creating kevlar lined armoured vests for British troops in Iraq, but recently they've gotten requests for uniforms from parents who want the extra peace of mind. Therefore, the company has begun production on a small number of stab-proof uniforms lined with kevlar, which is five times stronger than steel. According to an AP report, each uniform will cost parents an estimated $260, and will only be created upon request.
I wonder how many parents will consider home schooling next year?
Protect Your Kid With a Bulletproof Backpack
Tue Aug 14, 2007 4:51PM EDT
If I didn't see the video I wouldn't have believed it, but an enterprising pair of Boston fathers have crafted a backpack lined with bulletproof material. Inspired by the 1999 Columbine shootings, the $175 pack can stop most types of bullets, including, they say, 9mm hollow points.
The idea is not just to protect junior from getting shot in the back. Rather, he can pick up the backpack in an emergency and use it as a shield or a chestplate of sorts, too. (The pack is said to weigh a tenth of what police body armor weighs but offers the same level of protection.) I'm not entirely sure how well it would work just hanging loose in front of your body, but it's certainly going to be better at stopping bullets than a Trapper Keeper.
Paranoid? The company says 328 school shootings have occurred since 1999, leaving 229 dead and 422 injured. It doesn't sound so crazy with that in mind.
As a side note, be aware that it is illegal in the U.S. to own body armor if you are convicted, violent felon. State laws also vary on the subject, so be sure to check your local statutes before you buy.
The backpacks are indeed on sale. I dug around and found their web store for you; the company is called MJ Safety Solutions, and it offers the pack in two sizes. (Strangely, neither mentions that they are "bulletproof," though the company tagline makes it clear. An alternate site offers more info here.) One even has a computer sleeve, so you can spare your laptop along with your life. Double win!
GPS-Enabled Uniforms Track Students
Tue Aug 28, 2007 10:37PM EDT
Is it me, or is paranoia really setting in as kids head back to school? So far, we've heard about bulletproof backpacks, stab-proof uniforms, and now a company plans to add Global Positioning Systems to children's clothing. The Daily Telegraph says Lancashire-based manufacturer Trutex is actually thinking about adding satellite tracking devices to school uniforms after an online survey indicated a good majority of parents are worried about their child's safety. The online survey conducted by Trutex also found that 59 percent of the 800 adults who participated, expressed interest in uniforms with tracking devices. Trutex hopes to get schools on board by touting the GPS-lined uniforms as a way to reduce truancy levels. Surprisingly, the survey also found that half of the children, mostly those under 12, had no problem wearing a tracking device, while teenagers were naturally more resistant to the idea. It'll be interesting to see how the tracking system will actually work. I mean, what's really going to keep a students from leaving their jacket in one place, while they skip school off campus? What do you think? Is a GPS laced uniform a good idea?
-- Heather: "I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"