And I'm at work at 7 in the friggin morning. At least I stopped at Starbucks for a venti latte. I'm going to need another by 8:30, the time I usually have to be here. But, I have to be here for when the FedEx guy comes so I can get the lanyards to my customer who needs them by 9. Then I have to deliver them to her. I may stop at Starbucks again on the way back...
Friday, Monday, Columbus Day... They all feel the same when you work from home
Hey SG, that's AWESOME! I hope you have a good time. I love Elton John. He's really turning into a cranky old man, but he's still putting out some awesome new music. SONGS FROM THE WEST COAST and PEACHTREE ROAD were as good as anything he's ever done!
I'm here, but should really focus on work today. I would like to make sure that I've entered a complete week of data by today. We will see.
On another note- I am not in the greatest of moods. My car is falling apart. Pretty sure I got a blown head gasket among other things. Nothing I can do about it. My husband leaves Wed morn for his hunting trip. Not feeling so great about that. Also the direction this company may be going in pending what ever decision they make about the open position is putting a great toll on us. Not too many outcomes has us remaining working here. There are at least 2 guaranteed that we will quit. If it comes down to that we will not be able to continue living the way we are. We could not handle it financially but mentally we just couldn't continue. We would have to move at the very least. It's not a pleasant thought because I also know that I would lose you guys. I have no idea when the board of directors meeting is so this is just gonna be on our minds until we hear what decision is made. Currently the boss started vacation today and I think it runs through next week. Sorry for being such a downer on a Friday. Must go to work now.
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"