Happy Sunday! Went to the gym for the first time in three weeks - since I injured my sciatic nerve real bad...it's still painful, but getting better. Hopefully the workout will assist with the healing (in the long run!)
I am wrapping up the cleaning process today I am also watching the Packers/Panthers game today with Riggs. I know...I know. My Panthers don't stand a chance. I still have to pull for them though. I suppose I will get some trash talk from Riggs
-- Edited by firefly at 10:54, 2007-11-18
"I like rice. Rice is great if you are hungry and want 2000 of something." - mitch hedberg
Wishing I had another day also. These weekends go mighty fast. Yesterday was a bunch of busy stuff after working outside all morning. Today, chill in the a.m. then, head out in to the cold for a High School play production. Pizza party afterwards. Tonight, I begin the process of "purging" junk from my basement.
Is the doctor in this eve.?
If so, I would pipe him in to the basement.
let me know.
All I wanted was a Pepsi, and SHE wouldn't Give it to me.