My brother in law has no feeling in one of his hands. I found that out this morning. His kids are worried, been crying and one thinks he is having a stroke. Apparently he has been unbalanced as well.
I just ran into him and was laughing at him a bit because he did a complete circle. But further talking to him I found out that he dropped a container of mayo and the top broke. He was holding a bag of McD's in the other hand and he looked quite out of it! I helped him out since he didn't seem to know what to do.
My husband still has not gone to the doctor's since getting the cold from me. So he has been sick since before Christmas! But when it's me, he is yelling at me to not go to work and see the doctor!
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
I can tell you that I fear the doctor like nothing else in the world.
I honestly think I'd rather drop dead than know I'm going to drop dead. But if I thought I was having a stroke I'd most likely get into the emergency asap.
I'm not sure what it is, but I don't like doctors at all.
There was a story on last year that said most men do not see a doctor from the period after high-school until they have their first heart-attack. It's stupid.
On the flip side a lot of people get carried away and go to the doctor with a case of the sniffles.
I got sick about two years ago, worst I'd ever been. I lost my voice for ten days, had lost hearing in one ear, and a bunch of other symptoms before I went in.
The doc gave me antibiotics, yelled at me for never doctoring and being overweight, but then told me I'd probably respond really well to the antibiotics because I had never had any. He said he wished more people would let their bodies fight basic illness because they rush off to get meds too quick and their body starts building up immunity to them.
I'm not that way. I'll give things time to see if it just needs to "run its course" but when the course keeps lingering on, I'll go to the dr.
I have a friend that runs to the dr. for every little thing. Its to the point that it is almost funny at times.
I remember when this guy had sprained his ankle. He went to the dr. and the dr. told him to wrap it up and take it easy for a while. He told me he was getting mad because the dr wouldn't tell him how long he should take it easy . . . the dr kept saying just until it felt better. He argued with the dr until the dr finally told him two weeks. SO, this guy "took it easy" for two weeks to the hour.
He was as serious as he could be when he told me "I can finally get back to normal tomorrow afternoon because my ankle will be healed". I asked him how it felt and he said "It feels fine now, but the dr said it would take two weeks to heal."
I personally don't think he is having a stroke but I am no doctor. I think he has had this problem off and on but doesn't get it looked at.
I see nothing wrong with seeing if you can battle a cold by yourself to an extent. But if you aren't getting the rest you need because you are hacking, how are you gonna get better?
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"