Oh muh gahd, I fell like I'm back home. A ton of people in my family talk like that. And now I'm down here where there's this weird southern-like accent. I try really hard not to have an accent, but I know that I slip a lot.
Hey, that list is missing one that I pick on my husband for all the time: "warsh" as in George "Warshington".
That could be just a Northern Indiana thing though too. Like my mom says "weighn"(it's hard to spell phonetically) instead of "wait." "Que-pon" instead of "coupon" is a common one too, and "lie-berry" instead of library.
I find that older people around me say "warsh". My Grandma did but she was from St Louis originally This is what it said:
it's rare to hear any Michiganian say "arse" (Great Britain), "warsh" (Indiana/Kansas) or "soda" (Eastern US). In case ya weren't wonderin'. OCTOBER 2002 UPDATE: I received an email from Kid Ripster who claims that there are many Michiganders that say "warsh". As soon as the news gets out that there is a secret colony of Hoosiers in Michigan, spreading their addiction to basketball and their genetically-modified corn, there'll be trouble in River City, let me tell YOU.
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
uh oh- here's another one I would be in trouble about!
"You guys": No, not "youse guys", and yes, it refers to women as well. Michiganians use it without even thinking. No true native would be caught dead saying "y'all"... that's just not right. (California Accent Pronunciation Guide equivalent: "duuuuuuuudes!")
I know I type "y'all" all the time, not sure if I say it that often though. Hmmm.
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
You'll hear "warsh" a lot around here too. Gotta go warsh the car.
I always figured the extra "r" was coming from all the Boston people that don't use the "r". Gotta go warsh the ca(r).
One day our pastor was talking about accents from when he lived in Texas. He said his favorite was "y'all" and that more specifically, if you were addressing multiple people, you had to use "all y'all".
The one that I notice the most (and there are quite a few people around her that do this) are people that don't use the long A sound in a lot of words like:
The bell of hay. (bale) The cat's tell. (tail) The stear rell. (stair rail) He got put in gel. (jail)