Whatever the issue is aside, I think what Ruby's saying is that, are you choosing a party based on one issue? Is that any better than choosing a candidate based on race or gender?
On this issue Mz I just don't feel I have a choice. I am too passionate on the right to life. I feel an unborn infant deserves the same protections you and I do against being murdered.
So there is no way I can get myself to vote for someone who is pro choice. They have the ability to stack the supreme court with liberal judges and make sure Roe v. Wade never has a shot at being overturned.
I don't think it is anything like race or sex, because this is an issue.
I prefer the Repblican ideals anyway (stronger military, lower taxes, etc) as opposed to the Democrats who I feel want to solve every problem with a government program at tax payer expense. So choosing Republican isn't hard.
I can tell you this, I do not care for McCain. If he is the nominee against Obama I may just not vote.
If Hilary is up against McCain, then I have to go vote McCain.
Oh sure, edit your post while I'm replying and now I look stupid
The point is the same though, yes, this ONE issue is not negotiable with me.
Yeah, I was hoping I edited it before you saw it, and wish you hadn't quoted it. I didn't like the way that sounded, and it wasn't exactly what I meant.
Personally, my argument is different. I refuse to align with either party. I abhore the party system. I think the best man or woman should get the job, and what party they are makes no difference for me.
I forgot I quoted it. Atleast my reply made more sense with the original comment there
I agree, I think the parties kind of pigeonhole the candidates to a degree. I'd rather take each person on their own merits.
Unfortunately for me, that one issue is always a Republican vs. Democrat one. A pro-choice Republican has no chance of being elected, and a pro-life Democrat doesn't either.
You compare it to China where they're in the process of strengthening their cencorship of the internet and where you can be imprisoned for talking about things like Tianemen (sic?) square.
I understand your point Ruby but I fundamentally disagree with you.
I won't even discuss it any further because I know abortion is a topic that people will never see eye to eye on.
I believe life begins at conception and I believe it is wrong to take a life. Case closed.
But I respect your right to your opinioin.
Dang! I knew my point came out wrong. Better way to say it- I am questionin that one issue keeps you from an entire political party and candidates that represent them?? It does NOT have to be abortion, maybe it is social security views, homosexual views, healthcare, tax breaks.... There are fundamental differences between both parties, but in reality no matter who is President, things do not really change if the majority of Congress, ie...us as voters change.
I am really disappointed in the Republican candidates this year. I have always voted Republican, but I just don't like McCain.
I DEFINITELY won't be voting for Hilary. As JR said before, I won't go into all the reasons.
I am worried about voting for either Democratic candidate. Neither one of them has military experience, so how can they say that they are prepared to be Commander of the greatest military in the world.
I have no idea what to do.
"I like rice. Rice is great if you are hungry and want 2000 of something." - mitch hedberg