Man, am I in a mood today. I didn't get to sleep until late last night, and then the storms woke me up several times. I can deal with thunder, but the wind kept changing direction which kept me up. So this morning I'm grumpy and I swear my hands don't work right.
ok I am having trouble with the forum as well. It started yesterday though. The buttons aren't showing up right and sometimes I can't use the emoticons. So nothing works for me today.
I feel like poo. Cold definitely setting in. I hope I can fight this one off before it gets worse. Mostly sinus. I hope I get more work done today than yesterday. Carry on...
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
The server is unable to connect to the broadcast computer for some reason. JR can probably fix that when he gets up.
My fever is back down to just under 100 now. No headache right now (yay). I got it worse in the throat today. Now I'm trying to decide if I'm going to keep breakfast down or not. I took the boy to school and went by the shop to turn the heat down there. That running around got me having hot flashes and out of breath. Hopefully the upset tummy is just from the running around.