What are your feelings on adding a chatroom? Mo brought up the idea and I'd like your input.
You can write your thoughts in a reply, but please vote as well.
One note though, HAVING a chat room would not negatively affect ANYONE, it would be a choice to use it or not, so ONLY vote against it if you believe it would hurt the forum in any way.
Bump...c'mon members, you want a chat room...make your case...if not...let us know...there are 15 members listed, yet only 4 votes....make your voice heard...vote OR DIE (MTV Ref...)
I really liked our mixer, so I'm all for a chatroom. The problem is, it would probably be dead most of the time. And some of us would have to resist using it while we are at work.
I say go for it. I could sure use a chat room about now. I am beginning to understand why I do not travel abroad. I am in France and the people are extremely rude. NYC people are more kind. I already miss the USA.
I see pros and cons to a chat room. I would have a hard time staying out of it. But it would be good when we just wanted to talk and didn't want to wait for the posts to come up and stuff. So since it's probably going to happen, I guess I'll have to be on board w/ it. Just kick me out if I spend too much time, I don't know, monopolizing it.
To get a password for the members only section you just need to have 100 posts, and posted actively within the past three months. You're in the clear Confuzzed. Most of the forum is.
I think not haveing it would be like not buying a lotto ticket , you cant win if you dont play . It would be fun if sporting rivals were t.v. ,or someone just wants to yak on a Tues. nite. I think it would be best for members only thou, someone might be haveing a Serious discussion (like helping someone with a problem they didn't want the whole world to know about). the down side - (ahem) - SLOOOO typers (ahem) LOL.
I agree with Dave, I would like it be members only really, I think chatrooms that are open to just anyone can attract the wrong sort of people sometimes, if you know what I mean, but other than that I think its a great idea.