I will be out of town beginning the 17'th and ending anywhere between the 25'th & March 1.
During this time if there were to be a computer crash I would not be able to fix it, so I wanted to warn everyone. If a major crash happens I will try to get in contact with my sister and walk her through the steps to bring the station back up if possible, but that would probably take 24 hours or so.
Some issues that could arise I could fix from the road.
Also, to avoid any chance of creating problems with the broadcast JD will not be airing his shows Sunday the 17'th or Sunday the 24'th. He will return the following weekend if he so wishes.
I'm also going to try out a broadcast from the road type thing using the same method we use to broadcast the Weird Newz. I'm just curious if I could get it to work. Since that just draws an MP3 from the net it doesn't create any risk of a crash. We'll see what happens.
Keep your fingers crossed, hopefully the station will have smooth sailing for that week or two