egads it's MONDAY! Not the best weekend so definitely not ready for a Monday. Went out to eat w/ my sister and that was an event. The service was ridiculous! We didn't get our nails done because I think she waited to the last minute to look into hours and such. The visit was ok though. Did some running around yesterday and picked up a new bathroom faucet for $20. They forgot to take down the sale sign- it was supposed to be $30
But when we got home it was a bigger project because the landlord does not have a shutoff under the sink. We will have to shut off the main. So my husband said- a project for another weekend because he wants to put in a shutoff in the house. Later on he got mad at me for something I said that he took wrong and the rest of the night was shot to heck.
Today I will be processing payroll.
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
Yep, Monday. I felt nauseous all day yesterday, and I do again today. Brian's not feeling so hot either. I wonder if the bacon or the egg yolk I used for breakfast yesterday was bad or something.
It's supposed to be another warm day here, about 60. I've been keeping an eye on the forecast of all the big cities between here and home (Lexington, KY. Indianapolis, IN. Chicago, IL., etc) trying to locate two solid days where there will be no precipitation for a drive home. It doesn't look like I'm going to have any luck with that though.
My best guess is that I'll start driving home early Thursday and maybe try to do the trip in one day.
I could definately get used to this kind of weather in February. Talking to my family and friends in Milwaukee, they've been pretty miserable. Lots of days in single digits. My landlady said she's been chopping ice off the sidewalk every day for a week from that last storm. Now tonight up to 8 inches is supposed to fall.
That is just plain not cool.
I hope everyone had a good weekend. I see Woo and MZ's weekends were not so hot, so it doesn't look too promising.
Good Morning everyone, I had a nice weekend, it was in the 50's on Saturday and my Dad came up and we worked on his truck. After that we took Little A out and about. Sunday AC and I went shopping for bathtubs and sinks so I can start that project in the basement. We have decided on a corner jacuzzi tub and a nice smaller vanity with sink(to allow room for the tub she wants) Last night we went to her parents house and had a pork roast and beef roast with smashed taters and gravy. Then we had a fishing tournament on the game I posted last week. I am champion so far with 468 lbs of fish with a 101 lb King Salmon.
Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...
present and accounted for. possibly just a lurking day for me depending on the office peepers. weekend was uneventful for the most part. today the tulsa metro is supposed to reach 68, but back in the 40s tomorrow.
let's get the week going and gone!
smiles everyone! smiles!
You should fear anything that can bleed for seven days without dying... (as told to Mr. DS on 3-12-10)
It was a beautiful weekend here too in the mid 50's both Saturday and Sunday. Now, its 35 with some moisture falling. Ick.
We had a really bad music day yesterday. I'm still trying to shake that off. Lots of things just didn't go well.
Saturday, I got the set of four bass instructional DVDs that I had ordered so I enjoyed watching them this weekend. I watched them all through, now I'll go back and start working on the content in order. The instructor is the bass player in one of the top Christian bands (Lincoln Brewster) and he really knows his stuff. He also does bass clinics all over the country. I'd like to watch his clinic schedule and possibly attend one sometime when he's within reasonable driving distance.
grr monday = snowdays around here. It seems like every monday it was in the 50's all weekend and now its crappy again.
I got up and made breakfast for little A...made potato salad for dinner for me...and I suppose Sparky can have some too if he wants. I feel like a total waste of a person energy whatsoever. I hope I get over this soon. Lata...
oh I had someone tell me that they boil the potatoes with the skin on them and the taters dont get mushy and they are easier to works. I will do this from now on....I just grabbed the potatoes and the skins fell off in my hands. They still are a little mushy but not bad at all.
I finally made it. We had to meet with the anesthesiologist for Emily's surgery next week. Everything is a go for Thursday. My weekend was nice, lots of housework and shopping and spending time with my family. Riggs, as much as I do miss the snow, I think it would be hard and not very smart to ever move back north. Between the money you save and the comfort level, the south is nice. It is 65 right now Be safe driving back.