Did anyone watch this on National Geographic Channel? It's pretty amazing - and I'm not just saying it because I'm a Nat Geo junkie! If you haven't had a chance, check out the interactive: http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/channel/aftermath/
-- Heather: "I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"
My girls and I watched it last night G-gal and I wondered if you were watching it.
I thought their projections were really interesting and probably not that far off from what would happen if all humans disappeared. I thought the effects of a total nuclear meltdown would last much longer and be more damaging so I was surprised at how fast most of the vegetation came back, though the effects on the smaller animals was pretty devastating. Within 250 years most traces of civilization were pretty much gone, and within 500 years all traces were completely obliterated. It was amazing how fast nature took over without us to interfere with it.
Has anyone read the Dark Tower series? This makes me think of that. It's set in a world that's "moved on." So far I'm only on the 4th book, but what he's implying so far is that it takes place on Earth (but not called Earth) after an apocalypse. It gets weirder than that, with doors between different dimensions and times of Earth. It's an interesting view, and I'm enjoying the story.
I've read them all Mz, and yes, there were certain parts of the show that correlated somewhat with the story line in the Dark Tower books. Glad you're enjoying the books!! I love them and have re-read them several times.
When I first started reading "adult" books, I read a lot of Stephen King. Then I kind of had a falling out because too many storylines were too similar. But I really enjoyed the Dark Tower series before he came out with the 4th book. Now that all the books are out, I'm finally picking it back up again, but I had to re-read the first 3 again to remember everything. So I'm finally on the 4th book, where he first starts talking about Susan Delgado.
I did watch this! It didn't go off until 1am my time, so I am paying for that today. I thought it was really facinating! It is amazing the impact that we have on the Earth.
"I like rice. Rice is great if you are hungry and want 2000 of something." - mitch hedberg