Hello all. I am a tired gal from staying up to watch the late hockey game. WE WON! YAY! We are up 3-0. One more game and we sweep Colorado! We signed our lease yesterday and got to go see our apt now that it is cleaned. Now we are trying to figure out where stuff is going to go.
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
I am so tired this morning. I think it's a combination of a busy day yesterday, being sore from tai chi last night and standing in heels for a couple hours yesterday, the drop in temperature makes it hard to get out of the nice warm bed, and allergies (pollen counts are at record highs in Indiana, and this weather just keeps making the budding season longer).
Woo, cool about the lease. I can't WAIT to finally get into my new place.
I sold my TV last night. Now I'm really lost around here It's really starting to look empty in my house. Getting to NC will be fun though, it's basically shopping spree time
I hope everyone has a great day! I'm off to take my car in for some repairs. Then after they finish that I gotta run my sisters car in for some repairs so it's ready for the big trip to NC.