I read an interesting article on msn.com about the increasing cost of groceries that was pretty interesting. Here's a few pieces I thought I'd share:
As painful as rising gas prices have been, big jumps in food prices are worse because we spend so much more of our budgets feeding ourselves (12.8%, on average) than we do feeding our cars (3.4%).
To help you cope, I consulted the Bureau of Labor Statistics, which tracks the Consumer Price Index, to find the five foods that had soared the most in price between March 2007 and March 2008.
And the winners of the most inflated foodstuffs are (drumroll, please):
Flour, up 37%.
Eggs, up 34.8%.
Sweet peppers, up 29.2%.
Milk, up 23.1%.
Dried beans, up 21.6%.
That last one is particularly painful. I can't count the times I've told some debt-addled reader to reduce expenses by "eating beans and rice if you have to!" Oh, yeah, and rice is up 10% in a month; some warehouse stores are starting to limit bulk sales because of stockpiling.
The causes of food inflation are many, with the importance of each dependent on which expert you quote. Among the most commonly cited:
Speculation in commodity markets.
Bad weather.
Rising global demand, particularly in China and India.