Well gang, I would call our first major contest a bit of a disaster
It did manage to sign up ONE new forum member (which is one of the main goals), but oddly so far that new member has yet to post, not even to enter the contest.
SOMECHICK pretty much ran away with it early, which I think kept some people from getting into it at all.
We expanded it to include 3 consolation prizes, and as it turned out we only had four people enter the contest, so you'll all get a prize. I still have a little bit of verifying to do, but I don't think there's any way that SOMECHICK can be beat, so I expect her to win the main prize. A lot of the late submissions didn't meet the requirements (weren't the first words sung EXACTLY, didn't chart on the Hot 100, weren't from the 70's, 80's or 90's).
We'll have another contest start in February, it will run constantly, and it will be more user friendly for EVERYONE. We're thinking about an ongoing bingo game or something, where you can get a card to keep at your desk and every day we'll announce a number. Or something like that.
At any rate, if you are...
Please send me an email at riggs@freezeframeradio.com and provide me the address you'd like your prize(s) mailed to. It can be home, work, a po box, whatever works for you.