Hands down, the Bangles. Heart was a 70's band that just hung around in the 80s (I liked them too, but I can't view them as an 80's band).
The Bangles were IT! Susanna hoffs and those eyes. My cousin & I spending two hours just rerunning MANIC MONDAY on the VCR over and over. Iy yi yi! She was HOOOOOOOOOOOT!
And the music was great too, it's a shame it was so short-lived.
mmm...mmmm...mmmm I know exactly what you mean. Come to think of it, was that pretty much it for Girl Bands in the 80's?? I should have expanded the topic to include female-led bands like Blondie and The Pretenders I bet....
"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus. Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09
The picture is just me against the blue tarp pointing. I would guess I was pointing at my uncle or my dad. My uncle was probably taking the pictures, but he also would've been the one picking on me that I would point to like that.
I loved the Go-Gos, tolerated the Bangles, but I really loved Patty Smyth from Scandal and the lead singer form Missing Persons, can't remember her name.
I also love Terri Nunn from Berlin and good ole Blondie!
Just the fact you KNOW the lead singers of Berlin and Scandal makes me happy.
Terri Nunn & Patty Smyth are my two most favorite 80's gals!
I had actually wrote a short note to Terri Nunn telling her how much I liked Berlin (in the 80's I wrote the letter, not recently).
Almost 2 years went by and I had forgotten all about it when I got a big envelope in the mail. It included an 8x10 autographed photo of her and a fairly long letter written on some girly stationary
In the letter she apologized profusely for not getting back to me sooner and said she had lost some of her mail during a move between management companies.
It was pretty cool that she took the time to hand-write a letter all that time later to a fan.
Unless of course she just pays someone to answer her mail "personally"
for me , the bangles and the go-gos were kinda cute but a little 'pop-ish' with the tunes . my choice is ..drum roll please... TINA ! now theres a surprise. lol