This is kinda early for JR to be up on a Sunday too, isn't it?
I have praise team practice at 8:00. We're kind of bummed. The high school music teacher joined our praise team only about a month ago. She is an awesome singer and can pick up and play keyboard when we need here there as well. Last week, she wasn't at church and we heard she lost her job for some reason. I assume she will be moving away for a job somewhere else when she finds one now.
We will be a little thin this week. One keyboardist is taking a break for the summer, the other got her daughter married off yesterday so they are both gone today. With the music teacher gone, that leaves us with a substitute who is not the most comfortable playing in front of everyone. She'll do it, and she does ok, but she doesn't have the confidence that the others have. I'm not a confident player either, so its hard for her and I to get locked in together. Hopefully, it will still go well and people will still be able to worship anyway.
Today, we're doing: For All You've Done Redeemed (Hymn) Live To Worship Your Name He Reigns
It's nice and sunny here with the high's in the mid 80's
Today I will cut grass and possibly stain the deck. I haven't done that in years and it shows.
Gotta watch the Milwaukee race today. There could be more fireworks between drivers.
Last weeks Indy 500 was a good one even with all the cautions. I had my camera in the pits and caught some hairy action. AJ Foyt IV on fire when his fuel valve malfunctioned and Alex Lloyd spinning out of turn four right into the pits. First it's Kristi Yamaguchi waving the green flag to start the 92nd running of the Indianapolis 500. Car owner David Letterman keeping an eye on Graham Rahal and Ryan Hunter-Reay
Oh yeah, no Patrick Dempsey this year. Sorry ladies. I never heard why he was a no show.
Hi all! Not much going on yet today. I am starting laundry. We have a few things we must get done but not sure what else is in store yet. Red Wings won last night! We should be able to win the last game at home on Monday
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
There's too much to do with too little time. I still need to clean the house. I need to take pictures of Brian's newest creations. I've got one bracelet up for sale on his website, and I'm hoping I can get a few more done today. We need to do laundry.
And last night our tv went kaput. That's not too bad, we were planning on buying a new tv anyway, but I was kind of hoping to wait until after vacation. So we need to buy a new tv today too.
I have a few minutes of down time so I thought I'd check back in again.
If anyone wants to join is for church this morning, we start in 30 minutes (10:45am central) right here. Pay no attention to the bad bass playing . . . he stinks, but he's trying.
Mmm. Speaking of brunch, I'm going to the Golden Corral with Firefly and lil' Firefly. It's my new favorite restaurant
Oh, and Web, even though they've played poorly at times, YOUR Brewers have now won 8 of 12 and are somehow on a streak!
My Mom & Erica are going to todays game. I'll be watching it when I get back. I've instructed them to hold up a sign that says "WE MISS JIM". I have a feeling they don't plan on following through
Today was laundry day at my house. In between loads, I got some time in on the Playstation. I recently picked up a new game that I'm not liking very much; I think I'm going to sell it a Gamestop this week while I can still get a decent price for it.
I have 2 days left to work, and I'll be so happy to finally be on summer vacation!! I have a small list of things I want to get done over the summer, but I'll still have lots of free time left. So I'll be able to stop by in the mornings. Oh, and I'll be able to tune in more often too!!!!
I'm still on the PS2, JR. I want a 60 gig PS3, but just can't find one. And recently there have been some people experiencing disc read problems on the 40 gig. I was going to buy a 40 until I started reading about people having problems. That system is too dang expensive to buy and then maybe start having problems with it reading the game discs. So I'm going to hold off on getting one for a while. I got burned on my first PS2 with disc read problems, so I think it's best for me to wait a while longer yet.
Mz, the game I bought is Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters. It originally came out for the PSP; they finally released it back in March or April for the PS2. I love R & C games, but this one is awful!!!!
I was finally seriously considering getting a PS3. I don't play games enough to justify buying a game system, but the PS3 is at the same price as the lowest price Blu-Ray player, so I thought that made it worth the $399.
This week, Wal-Mart is giving a $100 gift card with the purchase of the PS3, effectively dropping the price to $299.
That's a great deal they're offering, but it's still not enough to convince me to put my money down on one. I thought Sony had the bugs worked out with DRE's due to so many PS2s having that problem, but apparently they haven't got them all out. I know I'd be pretty well ticked if I got one that won't read games.
People are saying it's reading dvds fine even if it won't read the games, but I'd still be leary of buying one right now only because my PS2 did the same first! Then it got to the point that even dvds wouldn't even play in it.
My kids have been dropped off at church camp for the week. My plans this week sans kids include sealing my new tile floor, studying, and Thursday night going to the arena for the CMT Fan Fair or whatever they're calling it this year. It's a free ticket so I'm there.
Another busy afternoon here and then we had a going away party for two families from our church. They are both moving for jobs. One of them is sad for me to see go, the other, I didn't know so well.
With all of today's stuff, I just now got done getting today's sermon on the church site.