I've already told you guys that I set up wireless speakers throughout my house so in any room I can just turn a speaker on and listen to FFR.
Well, tonight I went to bed at 1:15 AM and when I did I turned on the speaker in the bedroom to listen to the station as I fall asleep.
At this time of night, the station plays only 80's music unless someone is requesting.
The first song I heard was Cher's version of WALKING IN MEMPHIS and I thought "I wonder if CP requested that". The next song was Chaka Kahn with THROUGH THE FIRE and then I knew. CP was on the FFR site and requesting music.
I think it's SO COOL that we're on different ends of the continent and yet connected by this station.
Growing up I always wanted to be involved in radio. Even though we only broadcast to a handful of people I think internet radio provides something regular radio never has and never could. It connects us all no matter how far apart we are geographically. How cool.
Oh, and "Hi CP! I see you there at the bottom of the forum list"